on Thursday, March 17, 2005

numa numa yay

T00thless2: numa
T00thless2: or type faculty follies
gstreet4life: yeah, i watched it
gstreet4life: and i showed the guys on my hall
gstreet4life: it's pretty hilarious
T00thless2: ya
T00thless2: did you see the video they made that after
gstreet4life: umm..no?
T00thless2: o man, that's the funniest part
T00thless2: i don't have the link hold on
gstreet4life: that's hilarious
T00thless2: yes
gstreet4life: everybody is running around the hall
singing that song now
gstreet4life: it's funny
T00thless2: lol
T00thless2: you should video tape that
T00thless2: be like you are going to be an RA this is what you have to deal with
T00thless2: show it to the new RA's

Here's the link to the original music video:___ Here's the link to the dude singing: www3.ns.sympatico.ca/lyle_24/myhero.swf If you're on the GCC network, download (if you're one of the few who hasn't already) and watch the video from Faculty Follies with the profs dancing to the song.
Unfortunately, I did not video the guys on my hall prancing around like fools and singing the song. You would have enjoyed, so I'm sorry. yessssss....
leaving for Easter break tommorrow. Can't wait to be in Sweet Home Alabama. And, even more importantly, Tejas. Yep, that's right, I just found out that we're driving to Texas to visit my Aunt Sherri et al at their lake house in Austin. It'll be awesome. And a break just isn't a break if there's no Texas involved. YEE'HAW

posted by Unknown @ 12:25 AM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, March 16, 2005

i wish i could get my profile pic to upload
i've been trying forever to get the silly thing to work right... pbase is finicky sometimes. oh well.

i hate iPod
let it be known that i am angry that my iPod broke.
gstreet4life: did i tell you that my iPod broke?
theneuch: noi
theneuch: what happened?
gstreet4life: argh
gstreet4life: the hard drive crashed
gstreet4life: it just started making noises one day, now it can't start up
gstreet4life: i am so angry
gstreet4life: i have to send it in
theneuch: Are they going to fix it for free?
gstreet4life: i sure hope so
gstreet4life: it's under warranty
gstreet4life: unless they look at it and decide it was user-abuse or something
gstreet4life: i don't think they'll do that
gstreet4life: but still, i'll have to pay for shipping
gstreet4life: and maybe a $100 diagnostic fee
also let it be known that i enjoyed making backgrounds from the picture of my sad iPod. check it out: Sad iPod

posted by Unknown @ 10:56 PM | 0 comments

on Monday, March 14, 2005

taking a study break from Systematic. ...lots of conversating in this one.

song of the day:
Older Chests from O by Damien Rice. if you've never partaken in Damien, please do.

new link:
gstreet4life: yo
rickim187: sup dude
gstreet4life: blogging
rickim187: yup/
gstreet4life: i see you are partaking of the blog also
rickim187: yeah...i decided that xanga was stoopid
gstreet4life: for real.
gstreet4life: anyways, welcome to blogspot.
gstreet4life: enjoy your stay
rickim187: thanks dude
rickim187: do u have any idea of why its free
rickim187: im genuinely confused
gstreet4life: nope
gstreet4life: it's such a sweet service
gstreet4life: it's pwned by google
gstreet4life: who also gives away free gmail quite ridiculously
rickim187: but that makes sense because they put ads on and stuff
gstreet4life: i consider google the largest philanthropist in the world,
gstreet4life: ...at least in the internet world
rickim187: yeah
rickim187: yeah i ripped ur links lol
gstreet4life: doesn't matter
gstreet4life: i'm about to add yours
rickim187: thanks
gstreet4life: and put you into my post
gstreet4life: ha.
gstreet4life: publicity
rickim187: ill be...like....famous
in conclusion, check out the links on the right side. there's some sweet people over there. and some of them even update their blogs.

so the most amazing thing just happened:
Paul Pearl comes down to our hall looking for his lab partner or something. He sits down and chats with me and Jordan for a while, until he remembers looks up and notices my suitcase on top of our cabinet:
Paul: Hey remember that time I borrowed your suitcase?
me: No.
Paul: Well, I did. Can I borrow it again?
me: umm...sure. I'm not going to use it over break.
Paul: *tries to reach to the top of the cabinet*
me: *standing on a chair* Let me get out my stuffing first.
Paul: You have stuffing?
me: *pulling out bags of packing peanuts* Yeah, for shipping packages.
Paul: *sarcasticly* You ship packages?
me: Well, no...not yet.
Paul: You're planning to ship packages?
me: *still pulling out all of the packing peanuts* Well, no...
Paul: hmm.
me: *checking the pockets for anything of value* This pocket doesn't zip up, but the rest are good.
Paul: Thanks.
me: Sure, just bring it back.
Paul: What about this?
me: *as my jaw hits the floor* Where did you find that?
Paul: *holding the headlamp that Jordan and I thought we lost nearly six months ago* ...in the bag.
Jordan: Are you serious?
Paul: *giggles hysterically*
so, I guess the one that we found wasn't actually the one that we lost 6 months ago (which I figure has been picked up by some Appalatian Trail hiker long ago), it was probably the replacement that I bought at Christmas but lost while JustinBarry and Gretchen were visiting...when I was supposed to give it to Justin. Now both of the replacements are in my possession, and that means I can give one to Gretchen to give to JustinBarry, and keep the other Aurora for myself. YAAAY! I guess I did want to buy a new lamp. well, I'm glad that worked out, even if it was really strange and irritating that we lost the replacement while we were supposed to be handing it over to its rightful owner.

so...if you get a ticket in another state...let's say West Virginia, but go to college in PA and live in NJ, do you have to pay the ticket? Can they not do anything about it if you stay out of their jurisdiction? I have to relay this information back to Austin, because he got 2 tickets within half an hour while driving through WV.

posted by Unknown @ 10:12 PM | 1 comments


currently playing:
Mariner's Revenge Song, from Picaresque by The Decemberists

okay, so the funny things is:
as soon as I wrote
I am NOT (I think?) ADD!!! I refuse to be ADD.
I started to close my programs, but got distracted by an ad, which led me to google to search for pictures, which led me to my pbase account to look at my own pictures, which made me remember that I was supposed to send my Mom an email about what I wanted for my birthday about two weeks ago, and I ended up writing a huge update email about what's been happening at school, and I didn't go to bed until like 4:30am. wow. and to think that I had seriously considered going to bed when it was 9pm last night.

it was those stinkin cards:
They get me so riled up. hmmph. Especially when I forget what I'm doing and screw myself in the first hand, because most of the time I can already tell that the rest of the game is not going to go well, and for the next 9 hands I play vindictively.

time to study:
Systematic Theology midterm tomorrow... I'm sure I'll get tired of studying later and post.

posted by Unknown @ 3:14 PM | 0 comments

up this late, and i'm not even blogging.
but I am wearing my slippers.

listening to:
in the background "Lions Teeth" from The Sunshine Tree by The Mountain Goats, but mostly Jordan snoring and the freaking loud fan in my external hard drive.

mostly just FCC, Bible study, a little cards...
a bunch of us went to Rachel's Roadhouse (definitely the best restaurant atmosphere in the GCC vicinity) for Workman's 22nd birthday. It was fun. And Celia bought me Leesburg Fries. Oh man. It's a meal of an apetizer. I was in heaven.

oh slippers, how I love you:
sometimes when type the <br> tag, I want to type <Bryan>, but when I get to the y, I realize what I'm doing and I have to go back and erase everything and do it right. I have to go back and erase the whole tag, I can't just delete the y, because I can't stand for there to be a capital 'B' at the beginning of the tag. In fact, I can't stand for any of my html tags to use uppercase letters. I dunno why. It's not like anybody's ever gonna look at my coding. I say it's all because I'm OCD.

yeah, that's right, I said OCD:
Today at dinner, Liz and I were talking about how they had a conversation with some guys who also think they're OCD, and they had a lot of the same issues that I have. I can't leave the room in the morning without making my bed, or at least straightening out the top blanket. (It doesn't matter if the sheets are wadded up underneath, it just irritates me when the top blanket is messed up.) Also, I HATE when drawers are left open. Even if I'm visiting somebody else's room, I'll push their drawers all the way shut, just because it pains me for them to not all be the same. And chairs in the cafeteria...I don't know why it's that hard to push your chair in when you get up... Also, pictures. I can't stand for pictures to be crooked. And if books are on a shelf with the words on the binding pointing in different directions, or if they're not in descending order according to height, I'm not comfortable. especially in large rooms with lots of books. It's not that I don't like books, it's that I don't like things not being in a set order. The worst is with M&M candies. I'll take a handful (oh yes, especially those peanut butter M&Ms) and then I'll have to set them down on a table and sort them out by color, then I arrange the colors by which is most numerous to least numerous, and then I eat them in order from most numerous color to least numerous color. That's OCD.

Jordan says I don't have OCD because some psychology class told him that it doesn't disrupt my life enough for it to be a disorder. (yeah, that would be the 'D' part.) But I say it does disrupt my life. How much time do I waste by making sure that the wires behind a TV are lined up in order, or eating all of the brown M&Ms first? How much thought process do I waste when I'm counting my number of steps per concrete block on the sidewalk or the number of times that I scratch my left leg so I can scratch my right one the same number of times?

Argh. It's irritating.
I don't want to think about this anymore. I was going to write about good things, but I got distracted and angry at myself. Maybe I'll write about that next time. I am NOT (I think?) ADD!!! I refuse to be ADD.

I'm going to bed.

posted by Unknown @ 3:04 AM | 0 comments

on Thursday, March 10, 2005

speaking of blogs
I put most of the links that had on my old template back on this one. then I realized that there a bunch of people who either haven't blogged in at least 6 months or that I haven't talked to in a while. and that makes me not want to link to them. so I didn't. but still, there are some new links.

tonight Matt Farrelly and I were talking about blogging. he informed me that he had started a blog a while ago, but hadn't posted much. turns out he started it in September 2004 and hasn't done anything since then. I tried to encourage him to post, because I like the way he thinks and the deep topics that he dwells on, and I figure if he got it out in text, it would be good to read. ...maybe disorganized ...confusing ...not always reaching a cogent solution... but still, i think it'd be good.
Matt: Yeah, there isn't anything really. It is basically a "cool" way to journal or whatever, but with the allowances of the eyes of the world peeking in...
me: yeah, it's sort of a voyeur thing, perhaps. i mean, it's cool because sometimes i just vent about irritating things of life when i'm posting, or i write about something exciting or a really funny situation... but still, i think most of the time i write with more of a pop-journalism style because i know that there is an audience.
Matt: Sure....maybe you could put this freelance writing on your resume??? ;)
me: yeah, i might as well put profesional photography too since my photos are hanging in an art gallery
me: (aka, my mom's living room)
for some reason, we were talking through gmail. the really sad part is that I was still in Jason's room, right across the hall from Matt's room. oh man, that's sad.

see, Matt:
it's just that easy.

posted by Unknown @ 12:45 AM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, March 09, 2005

blurry church/state lines

After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson, "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think and angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" Much time ahs passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate, but he themes of this day he would know, "our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity."

We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with His purpose. Yet His purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today; to make our country more just and generous; to affirm the dignity of our lives and ever life.

This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.

God bless you all, and God bless America
George W. Bush, Inaugural Address, 2001
from the Avalon Project at Yale Law School

posted by Unknown @ 11:44 AM | 0 comments

on Thursday, March 03, 2005

Jellystone NP

as I mentioned in my last post, this summer I'm set to work with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks in Yellowstone.

I found out about ACMNP through my good buddy, Matt Farrelly. he worked in Yellowstone last summer, and I was intruiged by his stories and pictures. ACMNP promotes ministry through two ways. formally, the ministry leads worship services every Sunday in various areas of each of the parks (they are operating in nearly 40 different National Parks). they also encourage and help believers in informal minstry, or just sharing the Gospel to the people you encounter through everyday life. if you're interested in outdoor ministry for this summer, check them out. I think they take applications through April.

climbing dreams:
so I've decided I want to climb Gannett Peak in Wyoming. it's the highest point in WY (not the Grand Teton, as many think) and pretty much all of the stuff I've read about it--most people say its best climb in the lower 48.

I found it when I was reading an article in Backpacker Magazine (only the most awesome magazine ever...well, second to National Geographic.) about America's 50 Highpoints. the 50 Highpoints are the highest peaks for each state. for a lot of backpackers/climbers, to summit all 50 peaks is a really big deal. personally, I probably rather not "climb" to the highest point in Delaware (elev: 448') or Rhode Island (elev: 812')...

anyways, Gannett looks pretty awesome (SummitPost.org's review here; Rex Headd's day-by-day log w/ pics here). it's in the Wind River Range, about 70 miles on the road Southwest of Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks. it's the most remote of the 50 Highpoints (a 40-mile backcountry hike and climb) and rated second hardest (behind Denali in Alaska). apparently the scenery on the way is sublime.

Bonney pass:

and here's a panorama from the peak.

(click to view full-size)

..but, I may not be able to do the climb. unfortunately, I don't own stuff that would be needed for the more technical sections, like crampons, climbing harness, rope, etc... but I'll try to work that out somehow. plus, it's like a 40+ mile hike, and I dunno if I'll be able to take that much time off of work.

even if I can't make all the way to the top of Gannett, I at least want to hike into that Wind River Range and spend some time photographing the scenery. it sounds like an amazing place, and the pictures look amazing. here's a sample from Rex's website...
Photographer's Point, Wind River Range:

the Titcomb Basin:

(click to view full-size)

to quote Rex's post hike revelation:
"We made it back to Pinedale and I got a double cheeseburger at the Wrangler Cafe. While enjoying a cold beverage and a hot meal, we both realized, we would trade it all in a heartbeat to be eating Clif Bars and oatmeal under the granite towers of Titcomb Basin. The pull of the Winds is stronger than ever, we will be returning again and again. We traveled into the heart of the Winds and fell in love with what we discovered there, as well as what we discovered within ourselves. There aren't many places left in the lower 48 that can make you feel like that, but this Wyoming cowboy is happy to know, the Wind Rivers still have that ability."
sounds pretty awesome to me.

posted by Unknown @ 3:23 PM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, March 01, 2005

i promise this is not backdated
i really wrote it on March 01 ...mostly.

so it turns out that I started this blog two years ago today. pretty crazy, especially since I haven't really seriously posted in nearly a year. well, that's all going to change, see? I was really bored over break, so I sat down and read some of my archived posts. they're funny, and life was different Freshman year. also, I remembered how ...sort of...regenerating... posting was. I missed it, and also, I realized that Jordan and I both started our blogs during Spring Break Freshman year because we were both stuck at school and bored. And so I thought it was funny when almost exaclty two years later I was again stuck at school and re-reading my blog on almost exactly the two-year anniversary. but mostly, looking back, I missed this, and really, I guess, that's why I'm recommitting to blogging.

so, then, here we go:

listening to:
Mothersbaugh's Canon by Mark Mothersbaugh, from the Royal Tenenbaums OST

it was a busy day today
i made a rather cryptic schedule for today. here's what it looked like...
0000-0330 secure
0330-0745 zzz
0800-0915 also zzz, but in class
0930-1000 Alex in X's house
1000-1030 nix the fast
1030-1130 call call call
1130-1300 Earl the Bomber
1300-1430 seek and ye shall find
1430-1545 brave the snow
1545-1600 pick up the pieces
1600-1730 Huxley + Frosty
1730-1800 dine
1800-2030 nada mas
2030-2200 a del ficus
2200-2300 closed, but not sleepy
2300-0100 Finnish Bjorg???
0100-0900 zzz for real !!!
and I don't care you if you know what any of that means. ha.

impulse buying:
so, for some reason yesterday I decided to buy a backpacking stove. so Jordan finally made an effort to replace JustinBarry's headlamp. We lost it when we were camping on the Appalatian Trail during Fall Break--that was more than 4 months ago. ...well, there was that other time that we tried to replace it. over Christmas break, I bought one, not knowing if Jordan had already replaced it. when I got back after Christmas, Justin came over to pick it up and visit, because it was the day he was moving from his apartment here to his new home in Philly. I remember showing the headlamp to Justin, then tossing it onto the couch while we were talking, but in the end, somehow, Justin didn't leave with his new light. ...but we didn't know that. he called up a few days later and said that we could just give it to his fiance, because she is still working in Admissions for GCC... but the lamp was nowhere to be found. Jordan didn't remember me leaving it on our couch, and we tore the room apart looking for it, but to no avail.

fastfoward 3 months...yesterday Jordan finally started trying to purchase a replacement on his own. he was trying to use my REI membership number so that we could get 20% off the price, but it wouldn't work with his credit card, so in the end I had to place the order. ...and I figured, since I'm already paying for shipping, and there's this 20% off deal, I might as well pick up a couple of other items...

at any rate, it's a cool little stove. MSR Pocket Rocket Stove. i mean, i'll definitely use it at some point, and probably definitely a lot in Yellowstone this summer

speaking of Yellowstone this summer...
it turns out that i'm working in Yellowstone National Park all summer. pretty awesome, eh? i'll be working with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks and Xanterra Parks and Resorts. Probably just washing dishes in a restaurant or carrying bags in a resort, but it'll just be awesome to be in Wyoming.

I can't wait. Neither can Matt Farrelly.

posted by Unknown @ 11:10 PM | 0 comments