on Monday, March 14, 2005

up this late, and i'm not even blogging.
but I am wearing my slippers.

listening to:
in the background "Lions Teeth" from The Sunshine Tree by The Mountain Goats, but mostly Jordan snoring and the freaking loud fan in my external hard drive.

mostly just FCC, Bible study, a little cards...
a bunch of us went to Rachel's Roadhouse (definitely the best restaurant atmosphere in the GCC vicinity) for Workman's 22nd birthday. It was fun. And Celia bought me Leesburg Fries. Oh man. It's a meal of an apetizer. I was in heaven.

oh slippers, how I love you:
sometimes when type the <br> tag, I want to type <Bryan>, but when I get to the y, I realize what I'm doing and I have to go back and erase everything and do it right. I have to go back and erase the whole tag, I can't just delete the y, because I can't stand for there to be a capital 'B' at the beginning of the tag. In fact, I can't stand for any of my html tags to use uppercase letters. I dunno why. It's not like anybody's ever gonna look at my coding. I say it's all because I'm OCD.

yeah, that's right, I said OCD:
Today at dinner, Liz and I were talking about how they had a conversation with some guys who also think they're OCD, and they had a lot of the same issues that I have. I can't leave the room in the morning without making my bed, or at least straightening out the top blanket. (It doesn't matter if the sheets are wadded up underneath, it just irritates me when the top blanket is messed up.) Also, I HATE when drawers are left open. Even if I'm visiting somebody else's room, I'll push their drawers all the way shut, just because it pains me for them to not all be the same. And chairs in the cafeteria...I don't know why it's that hard to push your chair in when you get up... Also, pictures. I can't stand for pictures to be crooked. And if books are on a shelf with the words on the binding pointing in different directions, or if they're not in descending order according to height, I'm not comfortable. especially in large rooms with lots of books. It's not that I don't like books, it's that I don't like things not being in a set order. The worst is with M&M candies. I'll take a handful (oh yes, especially those peanut butter M&Ms) and then I'll have to set them down on a table and sort them out by color, then I arrange the colors by which is most numerous to least numerous, and then I eat them in order from most numerous color to least numerous color. That's OCD.

Jordan says I don't have OCD because some psychology class told him that it doesn't disrupt my life enough for it to be a disorder. (yeah, that would be the 'D' part.) But I say it does disrupt my life. How much time do I waste by making sure that the wires behind a TV are lined up in order, or eating all of the brown M&Ms first? How much thought process do I waste when I'm counting my number of steps per concrete block on the sidewalk or the number of times that I scratch my left leg so I can scratch my right one the same number of times?

Argh. It's irritating.
I don't want to think about this anymore. I was going to write about good things, but I got distracted and angry at myself. Maybe I'll write about that next time. I am NOT (I think?) ADD!!! I refuse to be ADD.

I'm going to bed.

posted by Unknown @ 3:04 AM


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