on Monday, March 14, 2005


currently playing:
Mariner's Revenge Song, from Picaresque by The Decemberists

okay, so the funny things is:
as soon as I wrote
I am NOT (I think?) ADD!!! I refuse to be ADD.
I started to close my programs, but got distracted by an ad, which led me to google to search for pictures, which led me to my pbase account to look at my own pictures, which made me remember that I was supposed to send my Mom an email about what I wanted for my birthday about two weeks ago, and I ended up writing a huge update email about what's been happening at school, and I didn't go to bed until like 4:30am. wow. and to think that I had seriously considered going to bed when it was 9pm last night.

it was those stinkin cards:
They get me so riled up. hmmph. Especially when I forget what I'm doing and screw myself in the first hand, because most of the time I can already tell that the rest of the game is not going to go well, and for the next 9 hands I play vindictively.

time to study:
Systematic Theology midterm tomorrow... I'm sure I'll get tired of studying later and post.

posted by Unknown @ 3:14 PM


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