yep. i'm going through a template change.
please note... this is a work in progress.

yes, i am borrowing the CSS from facebook, but i gave credit in the coding and in the footers and i'm in the process of changing formatting so it's not so similar.

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conversations in the night

on Friday, December 16, 2005

on the way home from dinner
Rog: ...well, there are only two things that make sense in this world.
me: Death and taxes!! ok, maybe just taxes.
Will: and Communism!!
Rog: oh no... *sigh* ... boys, I see I have so much work to do.
some of this one may or may not be recreated, because I closed the Instant Messenger window before I copy/pasted it all...
gstreet4life: bizerkel?
bizerkel: gstreet?
gstreet4life: are you in your room?
bizerkel: yep
gstreet4life: we're basically sitting right next to each other
gstreet4life: I'm in Neuch's room
bizerkel: I can hear you
gstreet4life: Allan says come over
gstreet4life: we're having a serious study session
bizerkel: ok
bizerkel: i'm about to have a serious sleeping session
gstreet4life: YOU SUCK!

after a few minutes, Joel hasn't showed up. Allan starts tapping on the wall, and I lean into the heating register.

me (audibly): Joooooooooellllllllll come oooOOOOOooovvvverrrrrr
bizerkel (on IM again): ok, ok
bizerkel: hold on a sec
gstreet4life: lol
for the record, he showed up after about 15 minutes. originally I had written, "for the record, he never showed up, at least not while I was awake." But since he's sitting on the couch beside me now, I feel obligated to change the statement.

and just now:
Noel: I'm going to get on my bed like THIS!!! WUUAGGHH!
me: um, good job?
Noel: Hey! It's difficult for me.
me: Yeah, you know, you don't work out much.
Noel: slash at all
me: ...
Noel: I was in remedial swimming, thank you very much.
me: ...
Noel: Do you remember FitWell?
me: umm, yeah?
Noel: I hated that.

posted by Unknown @ 1:20 AM


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