on Wednesday, March 16, 2005

i wish i could get my profile pic to upload
i've been trying forever to get the silly thing to work right... pbase is finicky sometimes. oh well.

i hate iPod
let it be known that i am angry that my iPod broke.
gstreet4life: did i tell you that my iPod broke?
theneuch: noi
theneuch: what happened?
gstreet4life: argh
gstreet4life: the hard drive crashed
gstreet4life: it just started making noises one day, now it can't start up
gstreet4life: i am so angry
gstreet4life: i have to send it in
theneuch: Are they going to fix it for free?
gstreet4life: i sure hope so
gstreet4life: it's under warranty
gstreet4life: unless they look at it and decide it was user-abuse or something
gstreet4life: i don't think they'll do that
gstreet4life: but still, i'll have to pay for shipping
gstreet4life: and maybe a $100 diagnostic fee
also let it be known that i enjoyed making backgrounds from the picture of my sad iPod. check it out: Sad iPod

posted by Unknown @ 10:56 PM


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