yep. i'm going through a template change.
please note... this is a work in progress.

yes, i am borrowing the CSS from facebook, but i gave credit in the coding and in the footers and i'm in the process of changing formatting so it's not so similar.

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on Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the line which I heard my little brother quote all break and finally saw on Television this morning and now understand because of the context but you probably won't understand unless you've seen this particular episode of The Fairly Odd Parents:
Dad: Jimmy, what are you going to have for breakfast? ... I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "Mold Meerial"
Jimmy: umm... Waffles?
Dad: That's right!!!

posted by Unknown @ 1:51 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT'S MY FAVORITE!!!!! i laugh everytime i think of when we were at dinner the 1st time he told us that. its SO funny!!! and noone else gets it but us. lol! can't wait til you come home!!!

Thu Dec 15, 11:13:00 PM EST

Blogger Unknown said...

lol... i know. but it got real old after a while

Fri Dec 16, 12:57:00 AM EST


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