on Tuesday, December 30, 2003

MSN Entertainment - News - The Best Films of 2003:

"Here's a look back at the best of 2003:
10. 'Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' The strongest compliment you can give to Peter Jackson and what he achieved is that his final installment of the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy is the weakest ... and yet, it's still one of the best films of the year. That is how high Jackson has set the bar. Yes, there are too many endings and perhaps too many battle scenes, but 'King' contains a dozen or so moments that literally make you gasp for air (the chain of fire beacons, Frodo's battle with the spider). We've never seen anything like this trilogy in cinema, and most likely never will again."
whatever. Mr. Dave McCoy of MSN Entertainment has poor taste in movies. who picks an idiotic movie like Bad Santa as number five on his top ten list of 2003 movies??? Dave McCoy does. ugh... Return of the King is by far the best and most epic movie ever made. maybe that means that i need to see All the Real Girls. hurmph. ridiculous. i don't think so.

posted by Unknown @ 7:55 PM | 0 comments

on Thursday, December 25, 2003

i hate things
i don't feel like blogging anything that takes much effort.

who posted this comment?

Saddam Hussein. so hot right now. Saddam Hussein.

and something else:
channel4.com - Games: "Ant City"

posted by Unknown @ 12:06 PM | 0 comments

on Thursday, December 18, 2003

Psalm 127:2
read it and weep. well...umm...don't weep, but maybe just be happy, ok? anyways, Joel says it's a good verse for finals week. i could just tell you here what it says, but i won't for two reasons:
  1) suspense is fun.
  2) it gives you that good 'ol Bible exercise. it's good to look stuff up for yourself.
okay, and that's all that i have to say about that.

i was walking back (okay, running back) from our Luther and Calvin study session a few minutes ago, and when i tried to turn to go onto the sidewalk from the road, i slipped in the snow and fell down. now my butt hurts, but the thing i'm worried the most about is my computer...darn it!! why did i decide to run?! argh!! couldn't i have just taken the cold for little bit longer?!? oh well, that decision is past now. now i have to live with the consequences. my computer is definitely broken. the plastic covering for the CD tray was broken and had to be snapped back into place. there was a pretty ugly gap in the side where the computer's case wasn't meeting together just right, but after i took out the CD drive and battery, i was able to snap it back together. when i was pulling out the CD drive, a bracket that holds it in place broke off. after i snapped this stuff back into place and replaced the disc drive and battery, the computer finally turned on.

i was really really worried for a minute that i wouldn't have my computer (or any of my class notes) for the rest of finals week, or maybe forever. anyways, it works, but it's definitely very slow now. when i scroll down on my blog, it take a little longer than it should for the screen to refresh. also, there's still visible external damage. the whole computer is warped now. if you look at it from the back, there's a definite bend where the edge of the case doesn't meet the monitor at the sides but does in the middle.

add all that on top of my stupid headphone jack, and you've got a computer that's in as bad of shape as my car is right now. argh! oh well. whatever. i'm going to bed...i'm getting up to study early tomorrow.

posted by Unknown @ 12:31 AM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Bury My Heart at Fun-Fun Land
yep..time for another study break

listening to:
currently in the Eminem section of my Hip-Hop/Rap mp3s.  i think it's funny that iTunes tells me that just in this genre, i have 117 songs (worth 7.9 hours of listening time).  man, i really love iTunes.  download it--it's free.

lyrics for the night:
Promise by Eve 6:
Sleeping through the evening; singing dreams inside my head
    I'm heading out I've got some ins; who say they care and they just might
    I run away with you if things don't go as planned
    Planning big could be a gamble; I've already rolled the dice
    I spit and stutter, stuff and clutter worries in my worried corner
    Maladjusted just untrusted rusted; sometimes brilliant busted thoughts
    Think I'll stay for a while I'm intrigued and I'm red as a newborn white as a corpse

    I promise not to try not to [mess] with your mind
    Promise not to mind if you go your way and I go mine
    Promise not to lie if I'm looking you straight in the eye
    Promise not to try not to let you down
this song was stuck in my head all day...that's why i decided to listen to rap

and now:
hmm...taking a study break until my Luther and Calvin review session at 9pm.  i just checked to see if the bookstore already had required textbooks for next semester listed on their website.  it turns out that they don't, but i found out that for Life of Christ, i need a book called Will the Real Jesus Christ Please Stand Up?  i guess the funniest part about that is that when i found that out i needed that book, the next song that came up on my playlist was "The Real Slim Shady" ...hmm.

right now, Jordan is laying on my couch "nursing a grudge against the world".

man, i slept all day So, yeah, Lord of the Rings part III rocked my world...it's ridiculous, and good also.  the best part was when the Neuch had tears in his eyes.

who is MWA?

posted by Unknown @ 8:48 PM | 0 comments

holy carp

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is freaking awesomes. wow oh wow...Matt Littell, the Neuch, Marshall, and i just got back from seeing the opening show at midnight.
it's now my favorite movie of all time

i wish there was somebody around to talk to about how much sweetaction it was, but nobody else that i know is going to see it for a few days...plus...it's like 4am. so i'll go to bed instead and hope that somebody wakes me up for lunch. i'm sure glad i don't have any finals tomorrow...

posted by Unknown @ 4:23 AM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, December 16, 2003

i love using BlogThis! on the Google Toolbar!

FOXNews.com - Views - ifeminists - The Conservative Cookie Rebellion: "Want to buy a cookie? If you are a white male, that'll be $1; for white females, 75 cents; blacks, 25 cents." if you haven't heard of the other college campuses where this has happened, you should read this article. i think it's great.

posted by Unknown @ 10:22 AM | 0 comments

i started this post on Saturday afternoon but am going to finish it by tuesday morning.  i promise.

listening to:
everything.  everything ever.  oh man, i love DC++ in combination with iTunes.  definitely download iTunes.  it's an awesome music management thinger.

lyrics for the day:
from "Inside Out" by Eve 6:
    "I burn burn like a wicker cabinet
    Chalk white and oh so frail
    I see our time has gotten stale
    The tick tock of the clock is painful
    All sane and logical
    I want to tear it off the wall
    I hear words in clips and phrases
    I think sick like ginger ale
    My stomach turns and I exhale"
earlier at curch

and now:
oh wow...we just watched the Yuen Brothers' Wu Tang Master.  it has got to be the best movies i have ever seen.  the acting is amazing and the dialogue....oh man, the dialogue.  here's an except from near the end of the movie:
Grandma: "There's no where for you to run now!"
Monster: "I am evil, I will terminate all good!"
after this spectacular line, much fighting ensues.  trust me, you can't understand how great this movie is until you see it all.  please head immediately to your local Kung Fu video store or maybe just ask Jordan if you can borrow it.  he's currently borrowing it from one of the guys that lives in his basement.  i recommend that everyone watches it during finals week, especially if you have a ton of hard work to do.

all the sense this makes the world of:
this was emailed to everyone in RELI 246 (Church Ed: Youth and Adults) from some guy that's apparently in my class...

In case anybody is curious about the reading, I emailed Stringer…
Dear Chris,
I am going to use the reading percentage to substitute for the missed quizzes.  The total of one quiz and one reading will count a total of 10% for the course.
-----Original Message-----
Schwartz, Christopher J.
Sent: Sat 12/13/2003 1:21 PM
To: Stringer, Randy C.
Subject: final

Dr. Stringer, I tried to see you in your office yesterday but when I came by Dr. Schaeffer was in.  Anyways, I had a question about the final.  When you ask what percentage of the reading we have done does our answer affect our grade?  I was reading in the syllabus and it didn’t say that we were graded on our reading.  Although it did say we were going to have 6 quizzes which I assume we would have covered the reading.  Since we only had one quiz does that still count as 10% of our grade?  Please let me know if the percentage of reading completed does affect our grade because I will we need to schedule my studying time accordingly.


does that make any sense at all?  after much inspection and asking around, i finally figured out that what he meant was that, according to the syllabus, we were supposed to have 6 reading quizzes.  instead of 6, we had 1.  i didn't do very well on this quiz, so i needed something to make up for that grade.  anyways, Stringer thought it would be a good idea if he made a question on the final that said: "How much of the required reading have you completed?"  to this, you are supposed to answer what percentage of the reading material you actually read.  he said he would take this percentage and make that your grade for the other 5 reading quizzes.  i guess he's very trusting.  that's nice.  and, luckily, i have done most of the reading, so i can probably say something like 90% and still not be lying.  that's nice.

you know it's finals week when you see away messages like this:

powerpotatoe1: ight man, i am off to study some CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE!!
powerpotatoe1: so, peace out and word to yo momma
gstreet4life: later, du
Auto response from powerpotatoe1: Have you ever been dirty and then been like, "Whoa I have to take a shower!" and then you don't take one and you never ever take one again and you keep adding dirt to yourself on purpose sometimes and always wear the same boxers day after day and no one will talk to you
cuz you stink something aweful and then you grow up to be a lonely smelly old man and never die because the dirt acts as a life perserver and stops you from aging so really you are not old at all you're just the same age you were when you decided not to take a shower but people just call you old cuz it would be weird not to?!! Well that is not going to happen to me, cuz I am totally taking a shower!!

and now, to make this post even more freakishly long:
my step-dad sent this to me.  i thought it was great.  and then i was about to forward it to my engineering friends, and i kept thinking of more people that i wanted to send it to....finally i decided to put it out in the public by way of blog.  so here you go.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Miller [mailto:mikem@mcelwain.org]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 4:56 PM
To: Turner, Bryan R.; Marland Hayes; Sonny Gray; Joe Arnold (E-mail); Jimbo Bass; Brian Baugus (E-mail)
Subject: Christmas Physics

The Physics of Santa and His Reindeer

No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

There are two billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn't appear to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.

Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second.

This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75½ million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.

This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.

The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (two pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see

above) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload (not even counting the weight of the sleigh) - to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth. 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each.

In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

In conclusion: If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.

ommmm...and now for studying....ready...go.

posted by Unknown @ 12:04 AM | 0 comments

on Sunday, December 14, 2003

FOXNews.com - Top Stories - Bush: Saddam Capture Ends 'Dark, Painful Era': "About 600 U.S. troops took part in Operation Red Dawn, said Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top American general in Iraq. Two other unidentified Iraqis were captured along with Saddam and authorities confiscated two Kalashnikov rifles, a pistol, a taxi, and $750,000 in U.S. currency at the site."

posted by Unknown @ 1:13 PM | 0 comments

posted by Unknown @ 12:51 PM | 0 comments

on Friday, December 12, 2003

...i dunno...su'um.

listening to::
Joel's music coming from my room.  i refused to go into my room after class because he's listening to Bob Dylan.

just kidding, Joel.  at least good 'ol Bob was a good songwriter.  it's not his fault he can't sing.

lyrics for the day::
from "The Emptiest Day" by Caedmon's Call:
    "They say You live in hospitals and trenches
    And towers in the sky
    And I'm not dying or fighting any wars
    Except on the inside

    The only thing I need is a void that You can fill
    And I jump ship and run even further in Your will"

Here's what Joshua Moore, the songwriter says about this song:
    "They say that desperation is a college education. In my case, it seems that I’m working on my master’s degree. There have been many instances when emptiness or 'emotional sedation' is worse than actual distress. In these times, nothing makes more sense than to acknowledge that I am loved and am empowered and compelled to love because of Christ. This is just as much a part of the gospel as is my salvation."

and now::

so much to do...finals start next week.  i just looked up my finals schedule today...now i know the order that i need to study in... i don't really think that any of them will be easy, and Old Testament will probably be the most difficult.  ah well.

other than studying, we have the ADEL Christmas party tonight at the Knecktal's house.  i hope Bill shows up, because i haven't seen him since he graduated last year.  we're supposed to invite rushes that we think might be serious, so i'm going to invite a couple of freshmen that i like.  it'll be fun, and my secret Santa gift is awesome sauce.  i can't wait to give it to....oh wait, i'm not supposed to say who my recipient is...ah well.

then there's our Bible study group's Christmas party, which may end up being either Saturday or Sunday night.  Neuch, Buddy, and i are trying to work that out to include "Christmas concert" where basically we pick up Jenna Powell on piano, Buddy switches to acoustic guitar, and we play make some Christmas songs rock.  we practiced on Monday night and it was sweetaction fun times...especially when Jenna used the 'doo-wop' voice to play "Oh Holy Night."  oh man.

follow up::
i forgot the best part about my conversation with my dad.  in explaining the our new computer's features to me, he says, "yeah, and it's got that highway su'um technology."  "do you mean hyper-threading technology?" i ask  "yeah, that stuff."  which reminds me...last year we were all sitting in Jaybee and Scooters' room listening to Terpstra talk about crazy computers.  he was trying to explain to everybody what hyper-threading was (basically it lets one processor to two separate tasks at the same time instead of switching really fast between them) and as he spoke he became more and more excited.  suddenly an epiphany came to him.  he gasped, and said, "if we had 4 of them, we could do 8 processes and then we'd be...............................UNSTOPPABLE!!!"  oh man, good times, good times.

back to my point: it turns out that my dad got a totally sweet (like ninjas) computer.  i'm very proud of him.  it's a HP Pavilion a350n desktop with a Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 512MB of  DDR SDRAM (expandable to 2GB), 160GB 7200rpm Ultra DMA hard drive, 64MB DDR nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440AGP 8x graphics card, and a DVD burner.  how exciting.  i talked to my brother on the phone and he was very excited that i am bringing some awesome computer games home to play.  it's all very exciting because we've never had a computer at home that one could play any kind of game more advanced than minesweeper.  i mean...umm..not that i'm saying that minesweeper isn't a sweet action game, but ..umm..........w00t.

in other news::
Video Game to Lose Dialogue About Haitians"The manufacturer of a video game that has been harshly criticized for its portrayal of Haitians has agreed to remove dialogue that encouraged players to "kill all Haitians."  Read that article about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City...  is it a bad thing that reading that article makes me laugh a lot?  if i think it's funny that the game says something as ridiculous as: "Kill All Haitians!," that doesn't make me sadistic, does it?

the funny (= peculiar) thing is that MWA told me they don't read my blog. oh well, sucks for you.

posted by Unknown @ 11:17 AM | 0 comments


FOXNews.com - Foxlife - Trendy Bracelets at the Heart of 'Sex' Controversy: "'If my parents questioned me too much about the bracelets,' she says, 'I'd probably wear them more.' " hmm...this stuff is pretty strange.

posted by Unknown @ 9:37 AM | 0 comments

on Thursday, December 11, 2003


okay...so everybody's getting a blog these days. Libby has a tagboard on hers...where it's like a realtime chat, but it keeps the messages up on a little box on the sidebar... anyways...it's freakin insane...here, i'll copy/paste some here for you to read...
this is from the tagboard on Libby's blog (the parts that are yellow are me using random names):
.:bSmack:. welcome to the blog craze! it's nice to have you! i'll add you to my links, and since a lot of people use my blog as a springboard, expect to get more traffic on yours...YAY! BTW, the word "blog" originally come from "web log"
.:MWA:. Who is this bSmack character who thinks he's so cool and that everyone reads his blog even though they don't!!!
.:MWA:. Who is this bSmack character who thinks he's so cool and that everyone reads his blog even though they don't!!!
.:Lib:. Woah there! Easy on bSmack... He practically started the blog fad at GCC.
.:bSmack:. who is this MWA character who thinks... jk. even though you a hater--whatever. i have no care whether people read mine or not--they just do.
.:bSmack:. in conclusion: libby rocks my socks off
.:MWA:. MWA is no hater. MWA is a lover.
.:bSmack:. surely i meant no harm MWA.
.:Josepi:. This is one crazy board messagey thingy. I agree with MWA, who does this bSmack character think he is. Keep up the good work MWA.
.:lovah boy:. how dare dat home-dawg call my MWA a hatah when he ist da lovah of all da sick animals in da world
.:Lib:. Thanks for keeping things exciting on my tagboard, guys. Y'all crack me up, as those crazy southerners say. Keep it real, peeps!
.:MWA:. I know who I am, and you don't!!!! HA
.:bloody toe:. i'm glad you know who you are, MWA. if you didn't there'd be some major problems. ersh
.:justin timberla:. Andrea cheated on me. I saw it as I was gazing at her from a tree by the quad and she was walking to dinner... She cast her eyes upon the white-shirted southerner and stated her desire for him.
.:bSmack:. Josepi, i do know who you are, and i could kick you if i wanted to. jk...
.:lovah boy:. bsmack, ya foo', stop messin' with ma man, dat josepi. he and i, we tight, foo'. ya kick dat boy, and i won't kick yo back. why, u say. b/c i don't repay dat evil fo evil, yo.
.:MWA:. Lovah boy, you are one of da sick animals in da world.
.:lovah boy:. nevah mind, dat MWA, yo bsmack. i on yo side now, me got dawged by mah homie
.:bSmack:. lovah boy...um...you're obviously as ridiculous as JonRoth. i do appreciate that everyone tries their hardest to hate me on Libby's tagboard, but um...get over it.
.:justin timberla:. who be JonRoth? does he like apples too? im sick of sittin here and takin dis foo talk from yu, bSmack.
.:your cats mom:. be nice to lovah boy. he's my boyfriend.
.:bloody toe face:. ersh
.:your dogs butt:. you all smell like me
.:justin timberla:. Just for the record, Andrea loves me...truly, madly, deeply...and I'm a Southerner. So it was me in the white shirt. SO THERE!!!!
.:Infatuated:. Does anyone else think bsmack is hot? I mean kind of?
.:justin timberla:. Andrea just told me she hates me. She likes your cats mom more.
.:enamored:. I do. Don't take him from me.
.:ENAMORED:. Who's enamored? I'm enamored!
.:enamored:. your mom's enamored
.:hes mine!:.
...stop tormenting me with the thought of bsmack...
Yeah. With my dad!
.:justin timberla:.
your face's enamored
bsmack is mine. i pity da foo who take him from MWA
.:Paul Pearl:. I am in enamored with Justin
would the real enamored please stand up and put one of those fingers on each hand up

.:Libby:. Whoever just said that definitely WASN'T me!
.:jennifer alliso:.
ooh, i love lovah boy
.:im all dat:.
dat janvier is mine, yo foo'
Hi bSmack! I think we're related! I am enamored with you!!!
asmack is a smack and a dat is too phat b/c dat ain't a foo' dat man who tinks he coo'
That was NOT just me...sorry lovah boy, I'm already taken by mwa
.:Jennifer:. Just kidding. That WAS me.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I'm eloping with lovah boy...looks like this was my last semester at gcc. It's been great knowing you, have a nice life!
Hi. My name is Daisy. I am a dog. I am also an adolescent.
.:the REAL kristi:.
duh, i can't marry MYSELF smarty pants
I am in love with your mom's cat's pet dog.
Whoever just posted that is a liar. Clearly, Daisy is a duck (Donald Duck's girlfriend--DUH). The stupidity of people on this tagboard astounds me.
Yes, that does include me. My own stupidity really astounds me.
.:The Real Paul P:.
Please don't hijack my name. And I am definitely not enamored with anyone named justin timberlake. This is one messed up tagboard.
.:bSmack:. i second that, the Real Paul P.
i guess i should have known it would turn out like this. i remember when i first started talking Libby's friends on instant messenger... wow...they had a fixation with making "your mom" jokes and were masters at cloning AIM with multiple made-up screen names. ...alas...those were the days. but, i digress. ... i'm not really sure why i got attacked by this MWA person. i suppose i could have worded that first post better. all i meant was that since oh, i don't know, maybe 15 people or so have told me that they go to my blog to get to their other friends' blogs, and since people tell me all the time things like: "oh hey, i saw you added a link to David Hasselhoff's blog! i didn't know they had one!" ...i figured that people would do the same with Libby (*ahem...like a couple people already have), and therefore, she ends up getting more regular readers. but no, people just decided they were going to have something against me on this one. ah well, it's not like i care much. hmm...i don't really know what else to say about all this. it's all just really weird.

oh, it's about time for us to get ready to go to see Handel's Messiah in Pittsburgh. gotta run....more later.

posted by Unknown @ 4:33 PM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, December 10, 2003

in response to Joel's comment:
deboxering will now commence

listening to::

lyrics for the night::
from "Alternative, Baby" by Reel Big Fish:
    "...but i don't wanna talk to you,
    cause i know i'd just say something stupid
    and i know you've got better things to do

    hey, little alternative girl,
    don't you wanna be my friend?
    you know i'm singin' all my songs to you
    it's all right if you don't understand"

i don't know why::
Okay, so my dad just called to brag. First thing he says is, "Well, I'm here going through the drive thru at Rosa's....oh wait, you probably didn't want to hear that...har har har"
ARGH! For those of you that don't know, Rosa's Cafe is my 2nd favorite restaurant in the world. They have great Mexican food and it's fast. Anytime I'm in town, I eat there and Taco Villa about every 2 out of 3 meals.

Anyways, so then he tells me, "Welp, I bought a computer last night."
I flip out. "What? Are you serious?" I ask. He's got to be kidding me. There is no one that is more reserved with computers than my dad. For about the last 7 years we've had a crappy 90MHz Pentium 1 with less than a 1gigabyte hard drive.
He replies calmly, "Yeah. After you messed up our old one--"
I recoil. "After I messed it up?"
"Yeah, Sharon said you downloaded some stuff that made it run real slow..."
Oh man...
Knowing that the only thing that I have taken the chances of installing on that "hanging-onto-the-last-thread-of-life" computer is the google toolbar, and knowing that it was only like a 400kb program (thus, completely inconsequential), I reply "umm...I didn't install anything."
He is undeterred: "Well, it doesn't matter anyways, Sharon tried to uninstall the programs that she thought you installed, and the computer won't turn on now."
I laugh to myself.

At this point, I'm becoming a little worried. When I was home over Thanksgiving break, he showed me some flier that had been faxed to his company. It was selling some rebuilt 700MHz computers with 64MB of RAM and 10GB hard drives...all of them over waaay priced. I had told him not to buy into the junk they were selling, but he told me he got these fliers all the time, and that some of the guys at work had bought them and were satisfied with them. I informed him that he could get a way the heck better deal from the internet and that I would help him look for one if he ever wanted me to. So, when he told me he had just bought a computer, I feared that he had fallen into this marketing trap.

I quickly found that my fears were unfounded.

"What kind of computer did you get?" I wonder aloud.
"It's a HP. We went to Best Buy and talked to a guy there. They were closing, but the guy said he would stay and help us."
"Yeah, you'll have that with salesmen...they wanna sell you stuff.  It's like their job."
"Well, yeah... Anyways, I had kind of already picked one out from looking there before, but it turned out the one I wanted was a closeout and they didn't have any left other than the display model, so we picked out a little better one. And then we realized it didn't have a DVD burner, so he started trying to talk us into one on the other side of the isle...finally we just gave in and I said, 'Whatever.  We'll take that one.'"
  Throughout this entire account, a smile is growing on my face.  Now I can see that he probably ended up with a pretty sweet setup.

"Do you know how much memory it has?" I ask, knowing he probably won't know exact details.
"umm...I think it's got a 180 gigabyte hard drive"
"For real? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I remember that."
"Holy crap!  That's like 6 times as much storage space as my computer!" I was actually wondering how much RAM it had, but I figure it's better not to confuse him. "What about the processor?"
"It's a Pentium 4...su'um like 2.8 giga hurts."
"Oh, sweet action!"
"Yeah, and it's got something called like...highway technology?  Do you know what that is?"
"Hyper-threading technology???"

"Oh yeah, that's it."
"Oh man, oh man.  That's so awesome."
"...sure.  Anyway, Sharon insisted on picking out a flat-screen liquid crystal LCD thing for the monitor, and i when she wasn't looking i picked out a scanner/copier/faxer/photo printer..."

..............umm..okay, after typing up all of this i've decided to not finish what i was going to say because i realized that it's probably not interesting for ya'll to read, nor is it as funny to you as it was to me when it was taking place.  i guess the reasons it was funny to me were:
    1) my dad buys a computer.  completely out of the blue.  that's weird.
    2) he bought a totally awesome computer.  completely out of the blue.  that's weird.
    3) all of the features that i thought were totally awesome, he just sort of was like "meh...sure."  i mean, like i could almost hear an audible shrug of "unknowing apathy" or something.

right.  so...umm...

i apologize for the length and ridiculousness of this post.  i also apologize for the two posts about going to find Joel in the Gee.  they were quite a bit more ridiculous than even this one.  and now, i sleep.  i have more things to say, but i will abstain for now...mostly because i'm sleeping and hall prayer meeting starts in a few minutes.

posted by Unknown @ 11:13 PM | 0 comments

i love using BlogThis! on the Google toolbar

"Iraq behind the cameras: a different reality": check out this story my step-dad sent me...

posted by Unknown @ 11:10 AM | 0 comments

debriefing will now commense
-- 0200 hours -- the recon was successful. Allan, Neil, and i deduced that, with the library being closed, the target's most logical location would be the Gee. after skirting the perimeter and locating the target, we closed in using stealth tactics such as going prone to a belly-crawl, the forward roll, and distraction techniques (yes, Allan was actually involved). the target only became aware of our presence after full observation had been completed and we had closed our distance to about 2 meters. we questioned the subject, then made a clean exit, returning to base as at about 0230hours.
no casualities on either side; target found; package secured. mission accomplished.

posted by Unknown @ 2:38 AM | 0 comments

Boerckel is MIA
-- 0130 hours -- saddle up, boys. we're going covert in 15.
time for a recon mission.

posted by Unknown @ 1:47 AM | 0 comments

on Monday, December 08, 2003

  "If you've kissed dating goodbye, then you've missed out on the best part of dating."

posted by Unknown @ 9:25 AM | 0 comments

on Saturday, December 06, 2003

what does this mean?
can anybody help me understand this passage better?
Isaiah 21:11-12 -- "A Prophecy Against Edom"
"An oracle concerning Dumah:
Someone calls to me from Seir,
  'Watchman, what is left of the night?
  Watchman, what is left of the night?'
The watchman replies,
  'Morning is coming, but also the night.
  If you would ask, then ask;
  and come back yet again.'"
listening to::
Trance Express Vol. 1: The Sound of European Trance. i don't often feel like listening to the pulsating beats of EuroTrance, but tonight just happens to be one of those nights.


today was pretty good. i went to all of my classes for the first time in a while. i still wished that i hadn't gone to my Stringer class because it was useless as usual and i spent the time writing emails. at least i got something accomplished. that's more than what gets accomplished in a normal Stringer class.

so i'm sitting here in my room chatting with Jenna about meeting her for dinner after she picks up her prospective student. about half an hour later, i'm playing Need For Speed: Underground and the phone rings. it's Emily, and she's calling from the Admissions Office. here is my recreation of the events from when i was talking to Sarah earlier today:

Fejs100 (10:30:38 PM): so how's hosting going?
gstreet4life (10:33:17 PM): hmm...you knew i had somebody?
Fejs100 (10:33:33 PM): your away message said it earlier
gstreet4life (10:33:44 PM): oh yeah
gstreet4life (10:33:51 PM): that's because i didn't know that i was hosting tonight
gstreet4life (10:33:55 PM): we did it last night
gstreet4life (10:34:02 PM): and you're not supposed to do it twice in a row
Fejs100 (10:34:04 PM): oh gotcha
Fejs100 (10:34:05 PM): haha
Fejs100 (10:34:06 PM): nice
gstreet4life (10:34:12 PM): and there was a mixup with admissions
gstreet4life (10:34:21 PM): where they thought they had emailed me about the second guy
gstreet4life (10:34:32 PM): but they had only sent me two emails about the guy i hosted last night
Fejs100 (10:34:41 PM): uh huh
gstreet4life (10:34:58 PM): so anywyas, i got a call today at 4:45 (you're supposed to pick them up at 4:30) and they were wondering where i was
gstreet4life (10:35:05 PM): i was like "umm..in my room?"
Fejs100 (10:35:12 PM): lol
gstreet4life (10:35:13 PM): and they were like "why aren't you here?"
gstreet4life (10:35:29 PM): and i was like "umm...why aren't i where?"
gstreet4life (10:35:41 PM)
: and they were like "you're hosting a prospective, right?"
gstreet4life (10:35:53 PM): and i was like "um...you mean last night? because i already did that"
Fejs100 (10:36:01 PM): haha..i bet they felt stupid
gstreet4life (10:36:01 PM): and they were like "oh crap"
Fejs100 (10:36:05 PM): LOL
gstreet4life (10:36:10 PM): and anyways, i ended up with another guy
gstreet4life (10:36:12 PM): he's pretty cool

Emily claimed me as her only hope, since she knew that if i turned her down for hosting that she would have to go through her whole list of male hosts before she found one that was free. even though i had planned to go to Butler and see The Last Samuri and overall had no desire to cart some around again tonight, i had compassion and gave in. i was glad that i did. not only did i save money, Kevin (the guy who's currently sleeping on my couch right next to me) is pretty awesome. we didn't really do much after dinner and Salt Co. other than play some sweetaction Super Smash Bros and hang out on the hall.

after waiting until about 11pm for Jenna, Katie, and Becky to get done with watching the Big Man on Campus contest, we decided to go out and play football in the snow with the rest of the ADELs. the snowy football game included the obligitory falling down and burying people's faces in the snow, and after about half an hour Trout had been hurt twice and Henry messed up his ankle (which is certainly not good since he's one of the kickers for the GCC football team). after that the game digressed into more of a tackle-fest with complimentary snowball-pelting. i convinced everybody to form up together and go take on the freshmen that were already having a snowball fight on the quad.

we descended on them like Neuch on a new distortion pedal. with a rancorous fury we ousted them from their self-claimed dominion--yes, even that bald kid who, in the tension before the first volley of snowballs, wrapped his scarf around his head and started chanting, "Taliban, Taliban, we have the Taliban on our side!" we beat them so hard that they begged for a treaty and alliance. after accepting their alliance, we deemed it necessary to scatter from their turf the other group of freshman that were playing football on the lower half of the quad. even though we were a mass of almost 50 men and a few girls and they were only about 20 in number, this group did not go as easily as the first. they split into groups and attempted to flank our mass. to avert the danger we circled up, and eventually took care of most of the rebel forces. after things quieted down a bit, i convinced a group of 20 or so that they should declare war on Memorial dorm (because i knew they were all Ketler guys), and we marched over to Memorial. after delivering a beautiful pre-battle declaration exhorting all of Memorial to attempt to attack any of the Ketler/ADEL mass now defending the quad, we stood in silence, waiting for a reply from the dozen of guys were standing on Memorial lawn. nothing happened for a few minutes, and then we left.

upon entering the quad area again, we found our defensive being attacked from all sides. numerous rebel groups had surrounded our group in the middle. we fought our way back to our friends, taking few casualties. a group of snipers up near Rockwell were wreaking havok on our eastern-most forces, so we rushed them and brought most of them to the group. after that we turned our attention to another group that was launching volleys over our heads from near MAP. we attempted to hit them from afar, and they feigned a retreat. we bought this trick and began to chase them. at this point they turned around and threw everything they had at us while a few more of their members ran up from the right flank. taking numerous casualties, we retreated to the safety of our mass which was now defending the middle of the quad.

the battle waged on for about another 15 minutes and i began to look for Kevin, my prospective student. i found him pinned down by 5 guys who were packing and launching a steady barrage. coming to his aid, we launched a few back at them. he said he was ready to leave and we began to make our way back to Lincoln dorm. the 5 guys stood and watched us walk, keeping their eyes on the snowball we each help. i said to Kevin, "look at them, they're after you." Kevin replied, "if i throw this, i seal my own fate. they'll kill me." by this time, were coming to the break in bushes near Ketler, so i threw my snowball on the ground. he grinned at me and said, "well, you only live once." he launched his snowball in a perfect arc and it struck one of the guys squarely in the chest. they all began running immediately after him. Kevin jumped down their stairs onto Ketler parking, turned, and as one of his pursuers was jumping over the hill, he threw another and his the guy right in the junk. the guy bowled over and Kevin sprinted back to the dorm.

...and that was the end of the first snowball fight of the year.

in other news::
i found this article about some of my friends from high school on the school's website. it was written about a year before i graduated. it is, quite coincidentally, one of the most recent updates. Talbot County Public Schools work slowly in that area. ...and YES, those people in the article ARE the kind people that i hung out with in high school. now you know what made me what i am today.

posted by Unknown @ 3:37 AM | 0 comments

on Friday, December 05, 2003

"...and this Winter Wonderland has been upgraded to a Class 3 Kill Storm"
i just heard Jordan say that in the hallway. it was followed by some well-needed Doogles reminiscence.

i am Gigantor!
according to rumandmonkey: "Born in 1963, You are possibly the original colossal death robot, being one of the patriarchs of the current crop, and definitely an advocate of old-skool enemy-bashing. Why use a clumsy particle weapon when you can create supernovas just by flexing your arms? Your one minor weakness is that you are entirely dominated by some kid with a remote contol - still, don't let it get you down. You can sink a nuclear submarine with jazz music."

Wage death and destruction on the Web with the following fine emblem of power:

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

posted by Unknown @ 11:29 AM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, December 03, 2003

"servile compliance"
"...vile comp..."
not "proper to obsequies"

whew...it's really nice to be done with my Russian History paper. it wasn't that bad to write...in fact, i wrote it all this morning and finished about 45minutes before it was due. it was just irritating. and it feels nice to be finished. since i also had my last sociology assignment due today, i am now finished with school except for finals (and a Schaefer quiz...no biggie), which is exciting. this semester seems to have flown by. i hate that. i don't want to be done with 3/8 of my college career in 2 weeks. life always seems to move so fast... oh well.

something that's actually interesting::
read this conversation that Jenna sent to me...it's funny.

gstreet4life (9:42:56 PM): hey
gstreet4life (9:43:02 PM): i heard some guy talked to you
projenz99 (9:43:12 PM): haha yeah
projenz99 (9:43:13 PM): here:
projenz99 (9:43:33 PM):
        GeDeman: hey man
        projenz99: hey
        projenz99: who's this?
        GeDeman: im the virtual pants finder
        projenz99: what?
        GeDeman: o ya know
        GeDeman: actually we found ur screen name on some website through google
        GeDeman: you were talkin to lilgdawg13
        projenz99: okay so you're just IMing random people?
        GeDeman: o ya
        projenz99: do I actually know who you are?
        GeDeman: no
        projenz99: oh okay.
        GeDeman: ok bye

wow. well, aparently some kid was searching for funny things and found my blog. coincidence? i think not.

posted by Unknown @ 9:52 PM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, December 02, 2003

i love using BlogThis! on the Google Toolbar
read this story...it's hilarious.
FOXNews.com - Politics - British Group Gives Rumsfeld Award for Brain Teaser: "'Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns, there are things we know we know,' Rumsfeld said.
'We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know.'
'We think we know what he means,' said Plain English Campaign spokesman John Lister. 'But we don't know if we really know.' "

posted by Unknown @ 1:38 PM | 0 comments

on Monday, December 01, 2003

re: Thanksgiving Break festivities

projenz99 (2:29:06 PM): what did you do?
gstreet4life (2:29:22 PM): everything
gstreet4life (2:29:22 PM): ever
gstreet4life (2:29:25 PM): all of the things
gstreet4life (2:29:27 PM): in the world
gstreet4life (2:29:37 PM): some of which include:
projenz99 (2:29:42 PM): hehe
gstreet4life (2:30:17 PM): saturday...eating mexican food 2/3 meals, going to see Pirates of the Carribean with family
gstreet4life (2:31:31 PM): sunday...church, cousin's birthday part in conjunction with aunt/uncle's aniversary (meaning we spent 12 hours at my aunt's house and ate lots of more mexican food)
gstreet4life (2:35:05 PM): Monday-Wednesday...slept late, played video games with my brother, Dad and Rory (guy from Dad's work) came home for a 2 hour lunch and we played Halo with everybody, in the afternoon we worked on Dad's home projects and cleaned the house, then dinner, hanging out with the fam until we watched a movie together and Brandon and i fell a sleep on the couches playing video games until 2am
gstreet4life (2:36:44 PM): Thursday...got up fairly early, helped clean stuff, watched Macy's Day Parade, about 20 members of our family starting arriving at 10am, ate Thanksgiving lunch, watched football, hung out, played cards, everybody left around 11pm
gstreet4life (2:39:34 PM): Friday...slept late, packed my bags, played a little video games with the family, went to Caldwell Music store, Best Buy, and 2 outdoors stores to look for Christmas present ideas, got on the plane at 5pm, got picked up by Matt Littell at midnight
gstreet4life (2:41:24 PM): Saturday...slept late, Matt and I stayed home and did absolutely nothing other than watch TV in the morning, then we went to the Pitt v. Miami game at Heinz Field, ended up eating at Wendy's twice, went home, slept
gstreet4life (2:42:01 PM): Sunday...went to Matt's church, watched football on TV, worked on my paper, picked up Joel from the airport at midnight
gstreet4life (2:43:19 PM): This Morning...drove from the airport to Krispee Kreme, drove to GCC, unpacked my stuff, went to bed at 3am, woke up, 3 classes, and now i'm in Sociology
gstreet4life (2:43:24 PM): whew...the end.
projenz99 (2:43:33 PM): wow.
projenz99 (2:43:37 PM): you were a busy bee
projenz99 (2:43:45 PM): sounds like an awesomely fun time though!
gstreet4life (2:43:47 PM): yeah
gstreet4life (2:45:13 PM): good stuff..
gstreet4life (2:45:26 PM): i got to go to my first REAL college football game
projenz99 (2:45:33 PM): the pitt one?
gstreet4life (2:45:51 PM): yeah
projenz99 (2:45:57 PM): did you have to pay?
gstreet4life (2:46:13 PM): nope, Matt's family had some extra tickets
gstreet4life (2:46:24 PM): because his mom and brother didn't go
projenz99 (2:46:39 PM): thats sweet
gstreet4life (2:46:43 PM): so i got to go and so did his other brother's girlfriend
gstreet4life (2:46:44 PM): yeah
projenz99 (2:47:01 PM): awesome :-)
gstreet4life (2:47:06 PM): His family was really awesome to me
gstreet4life (2:47:35 PM): because i didn't know that i was going to need a place to stay Friday-Sunday, and i didn't give them much notice
gstreet4life (2:47:40 PM): they paid for all my food and stuff
gstreet4life (2:47:44 PM): and wouldn't take any money from me
gstreet4life (2:47:52 PM): they're really cool
projenz99 (2:48:07 PM): that is really nice of them -- they sound hospitable :-)
gstreet4life (2:48:13 PM): haha..yeah

posted by Unknown @ 3:51 PM | 0 comments