on Friday, December 05, 2003

"...and this Winter Wonderland has been upgraded to a Class 3 Kill Storm"
i just heard Jordan say that in the hallway. it was followed by some well-needed Doogles reminiscence.

i am Gigantor!
according to rumandmonkey: "Born in 1963, You are possibly the original colossal death robot, being one of the patriarchs of the current crop, and definitely an advocate of old-skool enemy-bashing. Why use a clumsy particle weapon when you can create supernovas just by flexing your arms? Your one minor weakness is that you are entirely dominated by some kid with a remote contol - still, don't let it get you down. You can sink a nuclear submarine with jazz music."

Wage death and destruction on the Web with the following fine emblem of power:

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

posted by Unknown @ 11:29 AM


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