on Wednesday, December 03, 2003

"servile compliance"
"...vile comp..."
not "proper to obsequies"

whew...it's really nice to be done with my Russian History paper. it wasn't that bad to write...in fact, i wrote it all this morning and finished about 45minutes before it was due. it was just irritating. and it feels nice to be finished. since i also had my last sociology assignment due today, i am now finished with school except for finals (and a Schaefer quiz...no biggie), which is exciting. this semester seems to have flown by. i hate that. i don't want to be done with 3/8 of my college career in 2 weeks. life always seems to move so fast... oh well.

something that's actually interesting::
read this conversation that Jenna sent to me...it's funny.

gstreet4life (9:42:56 PM): hey
gstreet4life (9:43:02 PM): i heard some guy talked to you
projenz99 (9:43:12 PM): haha yeah
projenz99 (9:43:13 PM): here:
projenz99 (9:43:33 PM):
        GeDeman: hey man
        projenz99: hey
        projenz99: who's this?
        GeDeman: im the virtual pants finder
        projenz99: what?
        GeDeman: o ya know
        GeDeman: actually we found ur screen name on some website through google
        GeDeman: you were talkin to lilgdawg13
        projenz99: okay so you're just IMing random people?
        GeDeman: o ya
        projenz99: do I actually know who you are?
        GeDeman: no
        projenz99: oh okay.
        GeDeman: ok bye

wow. well, aparently some kid was searching for funny things and found my blog. coincidence? i think not.

posted by Unknown @ 9:52 PM


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