nonsequitur everybody's getting a blog these days. Libby has a tagboard on hers...where it's like a realtime chat, but it keeps the messages up on a little box on the sidebar...'s freakin, i'll copy/paste some here for you to read...
this is from the tagboard on Libby's blog (the parts that are yellow are me using random names):
.:bSmack:. welcome to the blog craze! it's nice to have you! i'll add you to my links, and since a lot of people use my blog as a springboard, expect to get more traffic on yours...YAY! BTW, the word "blog" originally come from "web log"i guess i should have known it would turn out like this. i remember when i first started talking Libby's friends on instant messenger... wow...they had a fixation with making "your mom" jokes and were masters at cloning AIM with multiple made-up screen names. ...alas...those were the days. but, i digress. ... i'm not really sure why i got attacked by this MWA person. i suppose i could have worded that first post better. all i meant was that since oh, i don't know, maybe 15 people or so have told me that they go to my blog to get to their other friends' blogs, and since people tell me all the time things like: "oh hey, i saw you added a link to David Hasselhoff's blog! i didn't know they had one!" ...i figured that people would do the same with Libby (* a couple people already have), and therefore, she ends up getting more regular readers. but no, people just decided they were going to have something against me on this one. ah well, it's not like i care much. hmm...i don't really know what else to say about all this. it's all just really weird.
.:MWA:. Who is this bSmack character who thinks he's so cool and that everyone reads his blog even though they don't!!!
.:MWA:. Who is this bSmack character who thinks he's so cool and that everyone reads his blog even though they don't!!!
.:Lib:. Woah there! Easy on bSmack... He practically started the blog fad at GCC.
.:bSmack:. who is this MWA character who thinks... jk. even though you a hater--whatever. i have no care whether people read mine or not--they just do.
.:bSmack:. in conclusion: libby rocks my socks off
.:MWA:. MWA is no hater. MWA is a lover.
.:bSmack:. surely i meant no harm MWA.
.:Josepi:. This is one crazy board messagey thingy. I agree with MWA, who does this bSmack character think he is. Keep up the good work MWA.
.:lovah boy:. how dare dat home-dawg call my MWA a hatah when he ist da lovah of all da sick animals in da world
.:Lib:. Thanks for keeping things exciting on my tagboard, guys. Y'all crack me up, as those crazy southerners say. Keep it real, peeps!
.:MWA:. I know who I am, and you don't!!!! HA
.:bloody toe:. i'm glad you know who you are, MWA. if you didn't there'd be some major problems. ersh
.:justin timberla:. Andrea cheated on me. I saw it as I was gazing at her from a tree by the quad and she was walking to dinner... She cast her eyes upon the white-shirted southerner and stated her desire for him.
.:bSmack:. Josepi, i do know who you are, and i could kick you if i wanted to. jk...
.:lovah boy:. bsmack, ya foo', stop messin' with ma man, dat josepi. he and i, we tight, foo'. ya kick dat boy, and i won't kick yo back. why, u say. b/c i don't repay dat evil fo evil, yo.
.:MWA:. Lovah boy, you are one of da sick animals in da world.
.:lovah boy:. nevah mind, dat MWA, yo bsmack. i on yo side now, me got dawged by mah homie
.:bSmack:. lovah're obviously as ridiculous as JonRoth. i do appreciate that everyone tries their hardest to hate me on Libby's tagboard, but um...get over it.
.:justin timberla:. who be JonRoth? does he like apples too? im sick of sittin here and takin dis foo talk from yu, bSmack.
.:your cats mom:. be nice to lovah boy. he's my boyfriend.
.:bloody toe face:. ersh
.:your dogs butt:. you all smell like me
.:justin timberla:. Just for the record, Andrea loves me...truly, madly, deeply...and I'm a Southerner. So it was me in the white shirt. SO THERE!!!!
.:Infatuated:. Does anyone else think bsmack is hot? I mean kind of?
.:justin timberla:. Andrea just told me she hates me. She likes your cats mom more.
.:enamored:. I do. Don't take him from me.
.:ENAMORED:. Who's enamored? I'm enamored!
.:enamored:. your mom's enamored
.:hes mine!:. ...stop tormenting me with the thought of bsmack...
.:enamored:. Yeah. With my dad!
.:justin timberla:. your face's enamored
.:infatuated:. bsmack is mine. i pity da foo who take him from MWA
.:Paul Pearl:. I am in enamored with Justin
.:Lib:. would the real enamored please stand up and put one of those fingers on each hand up
.:Libby:. Whoever just said that definitely WASN'T me!
.:jennifer alliso:. ooh, i love lovah boy
.:im all dat:. dat janvier is mine, yo foo'
.:qSmack:. Hi bSmack! I think we're related! I am enamored with you!!!
.:aSmack:. asmack is a smack and a dat is too phat b/c dat ain't a foo' dat man who tinks he coo'
.:Jennifer:. That was NOT just me...sorry lovah boy, I'm already taken by mwa
.:Jennifer:. Just kidding. That WAS me.
.:Kristin:. Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I'm eloping with lovah boy...looks like this was my last semester at gcc. It's been great knowing you, have a nice life!
.:Daisy:. Hi. My name is Daisy. I am a dog. I am also an adolescent.
.:the REAL kristi:. duh, i can't marry MYSELF smarty pants
.:Daisy:. I am in love with your mom's cat's pet dog.
.:Andrea:. Whoever just posted that is a liar. Clearly, Daisy is a duck (Donald Duck's girlfriend--DUH). The stupidity of people on this tagboard astounds me.
.:Andrea:. Yes, that does include me. My own stupidity really astounds me.
.:The Real Paul P:. Please don't hijack my name. And I am definitely not enamored with anyone named justin timberlake. This is one messed up tagboard.
.:bSmack:. i second that, the Real Paul P.
oh, it's about time for us to get ready to go to see Handel's Messiah in Pittsburgh. gotta run....more later.
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