on Friday, November 21, 2003

aw man, i just lost the cap to my 2 litre of Mountain Lightning
now i have to drink it all. oh well.

now for some nutrition facts (provided by dietfacts com):

Sam's Choice®
Mountain Lightning
carbonated citrus-flavored soft drink

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size:
  8 fl oz • 240 mL
Amount Per Serving
Calories  120 Calories from Fat  0
% DV*
Total Fat  0g 0%
    Saturated Fat  0g 0%
    Polyunsaturated Fat  0g  
    Monounsaturated Fat  0g  
Cholesterol  0mg 0%
Sodium  25mg 1%
Total Carbohydrate  31g 10%
    Dietary Fiber  0g 0%
    Sugars  31g  
    Other Carbohydrate  0g  
Protein  0g 0%

Unofficial Pts (calculated)   2

Percent of Calories from:
Fat-0%     Carb-103.3%     Protein-0%    
(Total may exceed 100% due to rounding)

Unofficial Pts (calculated)   2

Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium benzoate (a preservative), potassium citrate, phosphorus acid, caffiene, gum acacia, yellow 5.

i really probably should pack my stuff sometime soon. oh well. i have time. i hope somebody reads all these posts. except for the last one, because that was just dumb.

and now for a conversation between me and Jordan:
BikerJew3: me and scoot are headin' out now instead
BikerJew3: so... you have to eat dinner all by yourself
BikerJew3: and littell
BikerJew3: and boerckel
BikerJew3: but not me
gstreet4life: poop
gstreet4life: you're dumb
BikerJew3: wasn't my fault
gstreet4life: yeah, so?
BikerJew3: i tried to convince matt that dinner would be fun
BikerJew3: thus you have no grounds for such an affront
gstreet4life: false, i have many grounds
gstreet4life: when will you get back?
BikerJew3: get back?
BikerJew3: um
BikerJew3: sunday
gstreet4life: i mean home
gstreet4life: when will you get home
gstreet4life: time
gstreet4life: today
BikerJew3: 9 o clock
BikerJew3: if we live in 20 minutes
gstreet4life: oh, well, that's probably good
BikerJew3: meh whatever
BikerJew3: he's the driver,
gstreet4life: have fun with all that
BikerJew3: so it's not really my butt tub
gstreet4life: is his car outside right nwo?
gstreet4life: now?
BikerJew3: although he doesn't HAVE to be the driver
BikerJew3: i dunno
gstreet4life: i'm going to yell at it
BikerJew3: how 'bout if you check for me
gstreet4life: i didn't know which one it was, so i yelled at them all
and then Jordan walked in to say goodbye. so we drank the last 5 or 6 swigs of Mountain Lightning.

posted by Unknown @ 3:59 PM | 0 comments


i just had a scary experience.

today i'm driving Littell and and Henry down to Pittsburgh...to take Henry to the airport and to spend the night and leave my car at Littell's house so he can take me to the airport tomorrow morning. my first two classes were cancelled this morning. i slept until 10:30am and it was awesome... then i lazily got up, piddled around here and went to lunch at about 11:45 (after waiting FORVER for Joel to get done with what he was doing, then giving up on him and running to Hicks so i could eat before my noon class). Russian History was great today. we watched a History Channel movie and Jordan and i browed the internet. as stated in my last post, we found out why David Hasselhoff is the AntiChrist, which turned out to be far more humorous than i could have guessed. after class i talked to people that are already leaving for home and after a little while Joel and i decided to toss the frisbee around for a bit, seeing as we haven't done that in a while and it's a beautiful (my desktop weather channel icon says it's 59degrees and fair) day outside. so we threw it around for a while and then i had to rush off to class. i picked up my bag and sandals from where i had left them outside and ran to class. class was interesting. Dr. Ayers starting lecturing about the sociology of religion. of course, i had to be doing something else at the same time as listening, so today i chose playing with Photoshop. i haven't really had much time to figure stuff out on it since i got it, but it's super easy to make cool desktops and banners (one now resides at the top of this page) and i was very pleased with myself.

okay, so class is over and i'm walking down the stairs and i'm deciding where to go next. i'm not in a rush to do anything, since i'm not leaving for Pittsburgh for another 3 hours. i decide to go to the Gee to get some freewater and check my mail for the last time before break. instinctively i pat my side where my keys usually hang and i realize they're not there. i check my other pockets and they're nowhere to be found. "hmm...that's weird," i think, and assume that they're in my backpack. i go to get freewater and then search for my keys in my backpack, but they're not there either. i try to remember when i last saw them and then i comes to me: i threw them on the ground a few feet from my stuff when i was playing frisbee. i get real worried and then i jog back and find them on the ground. i go to my room and Littell walks in and asks when i want to leave and i say, "i dunno" and then he walks back out. the end.

okay, that was supposed to be the scary part. it was only scary, i guess, because i got that feeling: the feeling i get when i know i've lost something important. then i started going through my head about how many people were walking through that area and could have either taken them out of ill intentions or good ones. if they took them out of ill intentions, that would have probably been worse, but it might have been nearly equally vile for someone to take them out of the good intention of bringing them to the lost and found. i think that would have been nearly equally vile because i've never had any positive encounters with the lost and found. in that last sentance, by "positive encounters", i meant that i've never actually found anything that i had lost. i thought once that i should call it the "(Bryan) lost and (somebody else) found". i was afraid that either i wouldn't find my keys there or they would just be closed for the weekend when i got there or something else like that which would prevent me from being able to leave on time, thus throwing off Henry's flight and my disrupting my entire state of mind for the next week and a half. BUT it turns out that my fears were dashed on the rocks much in the same way that my hopes of becoming an Air Force pilot were dashed on the rocks of poor eyesight. so, no need to fear. i AM going home today.

if you didn't know, this used to happen to me all the time. i've only become slightly less scatter-brained in my college experience, but still, i don't loose things all the time like i used to. i'm serious, in the world record for losing the most things in a year, i'm only second to my mother. that's obviously where i get it from. darn you, genetics. well, whatever. i don't lose stuff as much anymore.

anyways, i thought that was weird. i'm sure that ya'll are wishing you hadn't checked my blog today, but that's what you get: a bad story.

posted by Unknown @ 3:49 PM | 0 comments

oh wow...check this out. this is from David Hasselhoff is the AntiChrist: "(I was actually hoping to make the letters in his name spell out he is of the devil, which would be possible if his middle name was 'Ethesis,' which it might be. I'm sure his publicist would hide such a middle name if it were true.) "

definitely go to this site and peruse.

posted by Unknown @ 12:08 PM | 0 comments

ooh, this is the first time i've ever used BlogThis from my Google toolbar. i hope it goes as well as i had ...um...hoped. whatever. anyways:

this is quoted from The Neuch's Blog:
Mediocrity (sp?) At Its Finest: "Anyway, FCC worship band is going very well. We successfully played a song using 3 different tempos at once ding the first service. I'd like to see some stupid modern rock band try that. Unfortunately we could only manage one tempo for the song during the second service, but oddly the crowd seemed to respond better. I realized today (not really, I've actually been thinking about it for awhile) that since I started playing guitar in church I stopped truly worshiping God with the music. I'm trying to lose my selfish attitude and realize that I if I'm not playing for God, then my playing is a detriment to both myself and the congregation. Lately I've felt less close to God, and I'm not sure whether my attitude towards worship is a cause or an effect of this. I will have to think of this more."

and this is from my comment that i posted:
"good idea, the Neuch. i mean the part about 'i'm trying to lose my selfish attitude..'

keep in mind that not just the part that you would be singing if you were not playing guitar is worship. hmm...perhaps i could have worded that better. i mean that not just the singing part is worship. of course playing guitar can be pleasing to God too, but that's not what i'm saying. the whole service is worship. one thing that helped me with this same problem is realizing .....you know what? i'm going to blog this....just read my blog."

and to continue that thought...
some of the things that helped me deal with this feeling of "being out of worship" while playing in the praise band are:
1) it is an act of personal worship: just by playing an instrument--using your talents and gifts--for God ...it's giving back to God what he gave you.
2) worship is so much more: just the singing part of the service isn't all that worship is. the "worship time" of a church service isn't the only part where there's worship. worship happens throughout the service. from the prayers to the Jonah reinactments to the scripture reading to the offering time, it's all worship. it was when i started realizing that the sermon (exposition of the word) was a huge part of worship that i began to get more and more out of sermons and started to feel like i had really worshiped after the service. and that's another thing. it's not just about the "worship service". after the worship service ends, you are still called to live a life of worship. (John 4 ...as in "worship the ather in spirit and truth... in verse 23.
3) it is aiding corporate worship: that in my playing drums, the Neuch playing guitar, and even Vinny swivellling his upper body ...ahem, i mean playing bass... we're helping others worship the Lord.

Psalm 33 instructs us to "Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre" and "harp of ten strings." Psalm 47 says, "clap you hands, all peoples; shout to God with the voice of joy." Psalm 81 tells us to "sing for joy...shout joyfully...raise a song, strike the timbrel, the sweet sounding lyre with the harp. Blow the trumpet..." we're all making a joyful noise to the Lord which is in turn helping the congregation get into the music. i understand that making a joyful noise doesn't mean you have to be a talented musician, but it also doesn't mean that you have to be an untalented musician or that you shouldn't use your skills to perform for God. also, (let me jump back a bit) while i know that getting into the music is certainly a dangerous thing, i believe what Jordan told me--that God made music, and He made it emotional for a reason. it's not good to get into the music just to get into the music, but it certainly is good to get into the music to help you worship God better.

basically, the Neuch (and everybody, since i've made this more public now) it's all about the focus. if Christ is the focus and you're into the music, that's a good thing. i think in it's true definition, worship is a state of the heart and your actions must flow from out of the heart. it's not necessarily centered on the music itself, but on God because he's the only thing worthy of our focus. and you know what? it starts just like you said. it starts in losing a selfish attitude.

posted by Unknown @ 2:28 AM | 0 comments

on Thursday, November 20, 2003

"Mustang...1993...All the parts
...and I became 'the man'."

yep, that's right. an address change and everything. please update all your links to the new address [http://302a.blogspot.com] and don't go to in_site.blogspot.com ever again. ever. ...again. oh, and tell all your friends to change their links too. yup. ...not that i'm saying that lots of people read this... whatever.

right now:: listening to Miles Davis...through my laptop speakers. this is the first time i've heard my laptop speakers make any sound in over a year. my headphone jack has been broken since that time that i accidentally let it slide off my desk and land on the headphone plug while it was in the jack. whew...and then there was that time that i took my computer to the TLC to get them to install a program for SOCI 101 and they noticed that it was broken and told me it was going to be $1300 to fix because they had to replace the system board and that i had to pay because i signed that contract when i got it last year. hmm..i hate that contract. well, i guess the important part of that run-on sentance was the part i didn't say yet: i ended up not having to pay for it. SO, my headphone jack hasn't worked very well since then. but now it's fully broken. the speakers haven't made sound for a while, and now it doesn't even get sound when i have my headphones or stereo plugged it. i mean, i used to get mono sound out of it and i could get stereo sound if i put pressure on the plug, but NO...my computer isn't going to take that anymore. it wants to be fixed or not work at all. so i jacked it up. i followed Terpstra's example and bent up a paper clip. i guess when the paperclip crosses the leads in the jack, it makes the speakers work again. go figure... at least now i can listen to my mp3s without having to burn them to cd...

also, Jordan is sleeping on my couch. he came in a little bit ago to read his history book, and then he read for about five minutes before falling asleep.

tonight is that secret thing that we're meeting to do. i would say more, but one of the two rules is that you can't tell anybody else about it. sorry. unless you're one of those involved, and then i could talk to you about it, but, you see, how am i supposed to know that you are one of those involved? i don't have any way of telling who visits my blog...hmm...maybe i should get a counter. i hate counters, but i guess it would be interesting to know. i'll think about that more before making a decision. umm...so back to my point. if you're one of those people that's supposed to be involved in the thing we're doing tonight, be at the place we told you to meet at the time we told you to be there. i'll bring my video camera.

okay, enough Miles Davis. i feel like listening to the Decembrists now.

in other news::
"Microsoft Fires Employee over Weblog"
yeah, so this guy apparently blogged about how "Even Microsoft Wants the G5" and Microsoft found out and fired him. they say that they had to fire him because he violated a confidentiality agreement and that he could have accidentally disclosed the location of their shipping dock (which leads to thefts?), but i think the real reason he was "no longer welcome on the Microsoft campus" was that Microsoft didn't like people knowing that they just can't live without some Apple products. haha! not that i've ever been much of a Mac fan (Joel Thomas). and anyways, AMDs are still better (thanks Terp) but anyways, it seems funny that a Microsoft printshop would have to use Macs...

a new tutorial on blogger com has some recommendations for those that blog about work and could possibly be fired for their posts... my favorite was the Weblog Fire Escape

i was going to re-address my blog as: indefatigable.blogspot.com, but it was already taken. ah well. at least the person that started it seems to be insane (or at least deranged). that's some consolation for me.

posted by Unknown @ 8:58 PM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, November 18, 2003

sorry...for some reason when i changed my template again some of the previous posts are hard to read. just highlight the text and you can see it.

posted by Unknown @ 4:06 PM | 0 comments

on Friday, November 14, 2003

they say it's "Nazi North", but i don't believe 'em.

okay, so this is a onversation [DARN YOUR CCCCCCC KEY KATIE!!!] that is, this is a Conversation between me and Jordan. umm..i mean Katie and Jenna. it's funny and i don't want to explain any more about it. just read it.

projenz99 (9:17:38 PM): oh hey katie, this is your roomate jenna

Auto response from lilgdawg13 (9:17:38 PM): hanging around

projenz99 (9:17:42 PM): i just wanted to say hi to you
projenz99 (9:17:54 PM)
: i'm your roomate, jenna

Session concluded at 9:26:49 PM

lilgdawg13 (9:28:58 PM): hi. it is jenna
lilgdawg13 (9:29:00 PM): oh crap
lilgdawg13 (9:29:02 PM): i mean katie
lilgdawg13 (9:29:04 PM): oops
lilgdawg13 (9:29:11 PM): your roomate
projenz99 (9:29:14 PM): i know who you are
lilgdawg13 (9:29:15 PM)
: yep. that's me
projenz99 (9:29:17 PM): you're katie, my roomate
lilgdawg13 (9:29:22 PM)
: sitting aross from you at this desk
projenz99 (9:29:27 PM): don't you love rooming together?
lilgdawg13 (9:31:30 PM)
: yes. but only because you are so in crown and scepter and i am such a good basketball player
projenz99 (9:31:38 PM): wow, you are a good basketball
projenz99 (9:31:42 PM)
: did you know i'm the president?
projenz99 (9:31:46 PM)
: of crown and sceptre?
lilgdawg13 (9:32:25 PM)
: yes?
lilgdawg13 (9:32:29 PM): or no
lilgdawg13 (9:32:33 PM): i forget
projenz99 (9:32:34 PM): oh yes
projenz99 (9:32:42 PM)
: we should talk more
projenz99 (9:32:43 PM)
: call me
lilgdawg13 (9:33:21 PM)
: okay
lilgdawg13 (9:33:25 PM): where's our phone
lilgdawg13 (9:33:27 PM): ?
lilgdawg13 (9:33:30 PM): question mark
lilgdawg13 (9:33:34 PM): i always forget those
projenz99 (9:33:40 PM): behind my boyfriend's head
lilgdawg13 (9:33:43 PM)
: because, as you know, i am a basketball player
projenz99 (9:33:53 PM): because, as you know, my boyfriend's name is joel
lilgdawg13 (9:33:59 PM)
: correct, i do remember that
lilgdawg13 (9:34:22 PM): what is our number?
lilgdawg13 (9:34:27 PM): i always forget that also
lilgdawg13 (9:34:52 PM): your number is 2447
lilgdawg13 (9:34:57 PM): you must have forgotten also
projenz99 (9:35:02 PM): i'm so glad my roommate's so smart and has my number memorized
lilgdawg13 (9:35:12 PM)
: right
projenz99 (9:35:15 PM): it's little things like that that makes my head swim
lilgdawg13 (9:35:19 PM)
: no wait, i asked your boyfriend
projenz99 (9:35:22 PM): haha get it
lilgdawg13 (9:35:23 PM)
: i didn't remember it
projenz99 (9:35:24 PM): swim
lilgdawg13 (9:35:26 PM)
: swim
lilgdawg13 (9:36:10 PM): that's supposed to be funny, i know...but i'm a basketball player. i don't understand such jokes, you know
lilgdawg13 (9:36:30 PM): i'm calling you right now
lilgdawg13 (9:36:42 PM): pick it up
projenz99 (9:36:57 PM): okay hold on\
lilgdawg13 (9:37:03 PM)
: um...something happened...the phone didn't do the thing right
lilgdawg13 (9:37:22 PM): umm...anyways, i'm going to flirt with your boyfriend now
lilgdawg13 (9:37:32 PM): because he's beautiful
lilgdawg13 (9:37:36 PM): and he DOES know about swimming
projenz99 (9:37:38 PM): oh he may beautiful
lilgdawg13 (9:37:43 PM)
: so maybe he could explain that joke to me
projenz99 (9:37:44 PM): but if you even think about it
projenz99 (9:38:00 PM)
: i'm gonna smash your basketball playing face into my piano
projenz99 (9:38:03 PM)
: because i play the piano a lot
lilgdawg13 (9:38:09 PM)
projenz99 (9:38:13 PM): that's right
lilgdawg13 (9:38:24 PM)
: i'm gonna basketball your piano playing butt!!!!
lilgdawg13 (9:38:26 PM): YEAH!
projenz99 (9:38:29 PM): oh yeah?
lilgdawg13 (9:38:29 PM)
: in the butt!
projenz99 (9:38:30 PM): yeah?
projenz99 (9:38:31 PM)
lilgdawg13 (9:38:39 PM)
: umm...yeah
lilgdawg13 (9:38:40 PM): bye
projenz99 (9:38:45 PM): bye

Session concluded at 9:41:39 PM

posted by Unknown @ 10:00 PM | 0 comments

new [awesomesauce] post

posted by Unknown @ 8:46 PM | 0 comments

my vote is form AND function
they're like a dual monarchy: useful for satisfying more than one power-hungry person, but in the end, usually somebody ends up getting killed.

The Neuch went ahead and didn't take my advice. he's letting the song he wrote when he was in my room the other day be defiled. he is letting piano be included in the song. now, i wouldn't normally say that adding piano to a song is defiling it, but on this occasion it is because i think it's better just pure guitar and, to be added later, some lyrics.

anyways, so i'm boycotting the whole affair right now.

Dr. Ayers was on a roll today in Sociology::

    "Saying that all Asians are the same is like saying that the French and the Bulgarians are the same because they are both whites residing in Europe. ...and anybody who wants to accuse ME of thinking like a Frenchman better own a weapon."

[after commenting about how the attempt to "make friends" between Blacks and Whites by busing in the '60s was built on the idea that when people are forced to experience each other in close proximity, they "make friends".]
Did the Chinese like the Japanese better when they "got to know them"?

*begins to dance around the room and in a sing-sing voice says:
    "To know you,
    is to love you,
    even when you're bayoneting me to death..."
NO! They said, "I liked you more before I 'got to know you'!"

He told a story about how in the '80s, his dad worked in Florida real estate. One day, he sold a $350,000 condo and got 10% commission.  $35,000 for less than a full day's work is a pretty good deal.  Afterward, Dr. Ayers learned that his father sold the house to two guys.  Then Dr. Ayers told us:
Being a good sociologist, I asked him how he felt about that. He replied, "Son, I found that homosexual money is just as green as straight money." You see, although my dad was prejudiced against homosexuals, he did not discriminate against them because it was not in his
*with the 'quote-fingers'* "economic-interest".

...oh man...

check this out::
"Mom finds out blog" it's good, but be wary. since it's on The Onion, it's guaranteed to be a little raunchy. anyways, it's still funny.

posted by Unknown @ 2:21 PM | 0 comments

on Thursday, November 13, 2003

aesthetic/functional updates: part deux
okay...i think i'm done now.

i definitely made some major color scheme changes, as i'm sure you can tell, unless you're colorblind [boerckel, terpstra]. the links have been reworked, with some additions. click 'em. take time to invest in people's lives. or you could just talk to them. well, whatever.

also, i bet you noticed i changed the title of my blog. this was partially because i felt like i had strayed from my initial purpose of naming it "in_site", but mostly because The Neuch told me it was dumb. i agreed. thus i decided to pick a seemingly random title. and this week it is "you're gonna DIE", which was inspired by Mush and his IM badminton team.

anyways, post a comment on what you think about the changes. thanks. bye.

posted by Unknown @ 6:09 PM | 0 comments

first snow!!!

yaaay...it's about time! last year the first snow was a week before Halloween. i'm taking pictures mostly for Betsy's benefit

posted by Unknown @ 10:54 AM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, November 12, 2003


hmm... i hope Jonoroth is listening, because i probably have something i should tell him.
well, let's start at the beginning.

from my comments yesterday:


Cause I wanted to comment on the hilarity of the fact that you are cited as an expert resource on cow tipping in Jono's blog. The integrity of his blog is really banking on your experience in the matter.
Also I wanted to say something else. But I forget. Maybe it was the fact that Beth's and Jon's link both go to Jon's page. Yeah, I think that was it.

Smell ya later.

right. i plan on addressing just that issue in the post that i'm currently typing.

here's where it started.  *flashback to Monday night*  a bunch of us are in Neil and Allan's room.  i'm at Neil's computer playing the most awesomest game ever, Call of Duty.  the rest of the guys are gettin some poker action on with Texas Hold-'em.  enter, stage left, Jon Roth.
everybody: oh hey, Jon Roth!  What's up?
Jon Roth: Not much.  Hey Neil, I got one of those blog things.
Those of Us that Have Blogs (Neil, Allan, Jordan, myself):  Awesome!  Welcome!
...anyways, the conversation continued, but i just realized that it doesn't actually have anything to do with what i'm getting to..

to make a long story less painful to read, i went to Jon's blog.  and this was the most recent post:

Monday, November 10, 2003

At a little party over the weekend, the topic of cow tipping came up. Someone asked if it was really possible. Now I don't personally know of anyone who did it, but I was pretty sure that it was possible. One girl, Miss Amy Martin, believed that it was in no way possible to do so. "What makes you the expert on cows?" I asked. "I grew up on a dairy farm, " she replied. Yeah, I felt dumb.

Posted by: Jonathan / 6:37 PM

and then Jon and i had a conversation over AIM where i explained to him that it actually was possible to tip cows.  i told him that i had actually been cow-tipping, and explained the procedure in detail.  what he did not know is that none of the information, to my knowledge, was true in the least bit.  i was making it all up as i went along.  this was very humorous for me, and after the conversation was over, i had a lovely night's sleep without my conscience bothering me.

the next day, i read the following in Jonoroth's blog:

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

The cow tipping debate continues. I now know someone who has gone cow tipping. Brian Turner said the trick is to go with a couple other people, treat the cow kindly, and the push it over as fast as you can. This avoids the cow running away thing and helps with their low center of gravity and heavy weight.

Posted by: Jonathan / 12:53 PM

at lunch, somebody brought up how JonRoth had been talking about how to tip a cow.  i told everybody how i had told made up a story and told him one method of tipping cows.  they all thought it was funny, but also made me feel bad for lying to him.  i realized later that i should apologize.  so that's why i typed all this.  well, that, and because i thought the whole thing was funny ( = humorous)

Jon, i am really sorry about lying to you.  it was just so easy to do.  plus, i used to be a cronic liar.  i'm pretty good at it, especially over aim or email or some other form of non-confrontational communication.

even so, i still hold that cow tipping is definitely possible.  my dad says he's done it and that yes, it does break their ribs sometimes kill them.

i recommend that you and all other cow-tipping doubters check out this sweetaction site. and that's that. the end.

posted by Unknown @ 11:21 PM | 0 comments

aesthetic/functional updates
...just changed the links around, mostly.
oh, and in the process i reverted to an earlier template version...which just happened to be one where the HaloScan comments didn't work. yeah. that's irritating. especially since i couldn't figure what was wrong with them. anyways, my point is: COMMENTS WORK AGAIN

posted by Unknown @ 9:50 AM | 0 comments

on Monday, November 10, 2003

and again
see, i do post all the time. you guys just never notice. trust me on this one. "mmhmm!" *nods head like BeccaWaskey*

listening to::
best of Five Iron, a CD made for me by my good buddy Daniel Campbell

sitting halfway out of my window, 3rd floor, Lincoln (Ketler Side), facing Lincoln Lawn and Henry B

watching a film crew set up. they're taking their gear out of a white van. i wonder what they're doing. that's pretty much the reason that i'm sitting here, other than the fact that it's not that cold outside, the view up here is pretty sweet, and i have nothing better to do.

ooh, now the're clipping a lavalier mic to the guy in tan pants, jacket, and hair. he must be like the anchor guy. he looks like Pastor Harvey, but Pastor Harvey doesn't have that much hair on top. i wonder why they're here. they seem to be looking for somewhere to film. oh wow, that's a nice video camera. it would be sweet have one like that. i love how they have one of those big boom microphones with the fuzzy wind guard. it's a really furry one. ...looks like a raccoon on a stick. oh, here comes two girls toward them from across Lincoln Lawn. they appear to be walking with determination...they must be with the crew. they yelled something at them, but i couldn't understand it. oh! oh !! wait a sec!!! the guy just yelled back to her and it sounded like he was speaking Dutch. ...yeah, they're all talking with like an icelandic-type accent. i know who these guys are!!! this is the Norwegian Television crew! they're here to do a peice on Dr. Throckmorton! yes, that's right, GCC's own director of mental/emotional/spiritual counselling--the guy to whom i referred people for psychiatric help when the mass emailing blitz was going on last year.

last year, when i referred all those people to him, i did it jokingly. this was mostly because i thought that the job of a campus counsellor was a sort-of silly one, and i figured that Dr. Throckmorton was probably the right fruitcake for the job. of course, that was before i had even met Dr. Throckmorton. now that i have met him (since he is one of the praise team leaders at FCC) and know him as "Warren", i realize he's actually a pretty awesome guy who loves the Lord. i feel bad now about making fun of him, but oh well, i suppose every year i grow up a little. anyways, back to the point of this, apparently he's one of the world's foremost speakers/writers on ex-gay counselling, or, as he described it, "gender affirmation". for more: read here. last week at praise team practice, Michael Frey, the leader of my team, informed us that after practice on the next monday night (that would be today), Warren wanted us to stay after and play along with some of the songs he's written. i knew that Warren had written quite a bit of Christian music, and even had put out several albums, but i never would have guessed that that would have led into an opportunity to play Christian music on Norwegian TV...hahahahahaha..oh man. but--i'm getting ahead of myself...

so, this Norwegian television station is doing a peice on ex-gay counselling--*ahem* i mean: "gender affirmation" counselling--and they also want to get some of Dr. Throckmorton playing his songs, especially a couple off of his album that is directed toward that topic. (note: does anybody else think it is a bit unusual to record an album that is dedicated to affirming the correct roles of males and females? maybe a little strange, but i suppose there's a need for it somewhere, somehow.)

right, so::
i'm sure that if you pay attention to The Neuch's blog, or have just clicked that link and then read under the heading "I'm Going to Be on Dutch TV", then you've already heard all this before. too bad, i like repeating things. The Neuch has been beside himself with glee this week because of the fact that he gets to be filmed by a Norwegian television station playing guitar. i mean, it is pretty cool...but mostly because it's so funny ( = ha-ha. and peculiar. again.)

posted by Unknown @ 4:23 PM | 0 comments

lack of stratification would harm us
according to the article i read yesterday for sociology, inequality is necessary to motivate people. sounds nice. sounds... un-Communist. which is kind of funny (Jordan would say: "funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?" and then i would say: "both") because i was just thinking about Communists. and somehow, any time i think about Communism, it's peculiar and that makes it humorous to me. yep.

an hour ago i was sitting in the lobby of HAL, waiting for SOCI 101 to begin. of course, i had another article that i could have been reading, but instead i was in the middle of a search for World War II propaganda posters. this desire for propaganda came over me when i was in Russian History. i abandoned note-taking for searching for Communist-related posters. this propaganda perusal proved plenteous**, but my theory is:
replicas of Communist doctrine are fairly expensive (for a poor college student), and somewhat depressing to this liberated democratic republic capitalist society loving American.
i turned my fancy toward American propaganda posters. this was also a fruitful forage (okay, i promise to stop the aliterations) and i found out there are a lot of them (also here.) that would be sweet to add to our wall. i mean, i would only get one, but there's a bunch of sweet ones to choose from. right.

in my search, i came across a lot of Anti-War stuff, and eventually found the Propaganda Remix Project. which is even more funny ( = haha and peculiar ). but still, such blatant distortion of current presidential policy from the left within America is almost more saddening than the Soviet regime. just kidding. well, i guess Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, (also the likes of Mao Tse Tung) aren't really anything to laugh about. sorry.

ooh, i just found another sweet link. i'm really on a roll today with the links. speaking of on a roll...i gotta roll outta here. ...more later...

posted by Unknown @ 2:53 PM | 0 comments

on Sunday, November 09, 2003

crap...lost my last post. ah well.

posted by Unknown @ 10:14 PM | 0 comments

on Wednesday, November 05, 2003

freakin' long, but at least it's funny.
this is a story sent to me by Tim Tobitsch (the trombone-playing, GCC-hockey-team-managing, curly-haired dude who graduated last year and who desires to be the premier spokesperson for hotdogs in America and to start the first chain of fruit juice and hotdog bars on the east coast), about his strange encounters with his Alzheimer-ridden grandparents last weekend.
***revision note:
i had originally posted this story on here, but after realizing how long it is and how it is pretty different from the normal stuff i post, i decided to put it somewhere else. sooo...i've started up a supplimentary blog at http://awesomesauce.blogspot.com, where i plan on posting stories (true or false) that are pretty sweet. so anyways, i'll post on here whenever there's a new story on awesomesauce

i know it's freakin' long, but just deal. it's pretty great. it's called "Homeward Bound: The Senile Journey" and it's a true account by Tim Tobitsch. read it here.
that is all for now.

posted by Unknown @ 12:47 PM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, November 04, 2003

L337!!! part duex

oh yeah, i remembered. while having a lunch-time conversation today, we were talking about the best and worst ways to die. everyone was definitely in agreement (along with hysterical laughter) when Jordan said:
"i think the worst would be to die being kicked in the scrotum repeatedly."
well...it's true, eh? more w00t on that one. or maybe not.

posted by Unknown @ 2:34 PM | 0 comments


crap..i forgot what i was going to post. hmmm....

posted by Unknown @ 2:19 PM | 0 comments

i would like to note:
that i would never use a word like "woot". plus, whoever posted that in my comments spelled it wrong... it's w00t

listening to::
Schaefer lecturing about John Calvin.

and now::
...don't really have anything to say at the moment. just that our notes in Luther sure get better every class. Schaefer loves to put in random pictures that he find on google image search. usually they have something to do with the notes...but sometimes i think he just puts them in because it makes him laugh. much like the picture from Voltron that he put in to represent that we need more than just nature to reconize God fully. ...i'm serious...he just adds a picture for every bullet point in the notes. but still, it's great. w00t.

posted by Unknown @ 1:46 PM | 0 comments