on Wednesday, November 05, 2003

freakin' long, but at least it's funny.
this is a story sent to me by Tim Tobitsch (the trombone-playing, GCC-hockey-team-managing, curly-haired dude who graduated last year and who desires to be the premier spokesperson for hotdogs in America and to start the first chain of fruit juice and hotdog bars on the east coast), about his strange encounters with his Alzheimer-ridden grandparents last weekend.
***revision note:
i had originally posted this story on here, but after realizing how long it is and how it is pretty different from the normal stuff i post, i decided to put it somewhere else. sooo...i've started up a supplimentary blog at http://awesomesauce.blogspot.com, where i plan on posting stories (true or false) that are pretty sweet. so anyways, i'll post on here whenever there's a new story on awesomesauce

i know it's freakin' long, but just deal. it's pretty great. it's called "Homeward Bound: The Senile Journey" and it's a true account by Tim Tobitsch. read it here.
that is all for now.

posted by Unknown @ 12:47 PM


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