on Tuesday, November 04, 2003

i would like to note:
that i would never use a word like "woot". plus, whoever posted that in my comments spelled it wrong... it's w00t

listening to::
Schaefer lecturing about John Calvin.

and now::
...don't really have anything to say at the moment. just that our notes in Luther sure get better every class. Schaefer loves to put in random pictures that he find on google image search. usually they have something to do with the notes...but sometimes i think he just puts them in because it makes him laugh. much like the picture from Voltron that he put in to represent that we need more than just nature to reconize God fully. ...i'm serious...he just adds a picture for every bullet point in the notes. but still, it's great. w00t.

posted by Unknown @ 1:46 PM


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