on Thursday, November 13, 2003

aesthetic/functional updates: part deux
okay...i think i'm done now.

i definitely made some major color scheme changes, as i'm sure you can tell, unless you're colorblind [boerckel, terpstra]. the links have been reworked, with some additions. click 'em. take time to invest in people's lives. or you could just talk to them. well, whatever.

also, i bet you noticed i changed the title of my blog. this was partially because i felt like i had strayed from my initial purpose of naming it "in_site", but mostly because The Neuch told me it was dumb. i agreed. thus i decided to pick a seemingly random title. and this week it is "you're gonna DIE", which was inspired by Mush and his IM badminton team.

anyways, post a comment on what you think about the changes. thanks. bye.

posted by Unknown @ 6:09 PM


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