on Monday, October 31, 2005

a vision from across the SAC:
Jared Sadowitz, arms straight outstretched, head back in an expression of pain, long hair gloriously flowing...

...then, finishing his stretch, he picked up The Jesus I Never Knew and returned to studying for Life of Christ.

--I promise, this really happened. But I'm pretty sure I did imagine the heavenly glow about him.

posted by Unknown @ 4:18 PM | 0 comments

on Tuesday, October 25, 2005

i <3 Technicolor
you may be the best damn girl in Texas
i've found that
  1. Questions on IM followed by a single question mark seem like genuine and reasonable questions.
  2. Those not followed by any question mark carry an accusatory tone.
  3. Those followed by any more than one carry a certain incredulousness.
COMM222--Film History and Theory has sure got me quoting classic movies a lot...
...best class ever

I think I start a post every time I'm in this class, but I never finish them.

i ain't good. i'm the best.
-Clyde Barrow

posted by Unknown @ 2:02 PM | 4 comments

on Thursday, October 20, 2005

ugh, i'm really into quotes recently

Currently playing: A Million Ways by OK Go <--watch the video
Currently re-reading: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I <3 Jon Krakauer books.
I wished to acquire the simplicity, native feelings, and virtues of savage life; to divest myself of the factitious habits, prejudices and imperfections of civilization; ...and to find, amidst the solitude and grandeur of the western wilds, more correct views of human nature and of the true interests of man. The season of snows was preferred, that I might experience the pleasure of suffering, and the novelty of danger."

-Estwick Evans,
A Pedestrious Tour, of Four Thousand Miles,
Through the Western States and Territories,
During the Winter and Spring of 1818
Frankly Scarlet,
...my indifference is boundless.
-Almost said in the final scene of Gone With the Wind.
Fortunately, producer Selznick elected to pay a $5,000 fine and keep the original. (source: IMDb.com)

posted by Unknown @ 10:41 PM | 0 comments

on Monday, October 17, 2005

Today I saw a leaf,
red and dry,
its bright fingers slightly folding
inward, proclaiming the changing seasons.

And brushing my cheek
while passing by
on its path t'ward the earth
and fell upon my open hand

...and then I crushed it.

Two thoughts from a day of wonderful classes:
  1. I think I wouldn't do very well in Tennis against a guy with only one arm. I would definitely be too busy looking at his arm and expecting him to suck at tennis, but he'd probably be really good because he was fed up with people stereotyping one-armed people as bad tennis players.
  2. I've decided that Caleb Salmon has a very conflicted fashion sense. I don't remember why I thought this, but it was one of the two things I wrote on my hand.
turn the speakers up
What Is Love?
Masta Ninja Theme Song <--if you're awesome, you'll check the source code, find the link to the bg music, and dl it. It's amazing. I let it play over and over on iTunes...
Sending things to earth...
Pictures... Hopes... Dreams...

Katamari, DO YOUR BEST!
-The King of All Cosmos

posted by Unknown @ 2:32 PM | 0 comments

on Sunday, October 16, 2005

...so the heaters are on now

this is from the same conversation quoted in my post from 3 hours ago... i think we started talking round about midnight. we kept sending IMs about once every 20 minutes...for some reason i am finding that humorous... (?)
projenz99: you are up late

projenz99: well so am i

gstreet4life: yeah

gstreet4life: i'm kind of tired, but not really

projenz99: yeah same

gstreet4life: i drank a whole lot of Dew right after the concert

gstreet4life: so that's probably why

gstreet4life: still around?

projenz99: yeah I'm still up

gstreet4life: wow

gstreet4life: we're awesome

projenz99: haah yeah man

projenz99: 3:17

gstreet4life: yeah dude

gstreet4life: i'm going to write a song about it

projenz99: about being awake at 3:17?

gstreet4life: yep

gstreet4life: ack!

gstreet4life: holy carp!

projenz99: what!

gstreet4life: i just found Mr. Sparks!

projenz99: what?

gstreet4life: my band director from high school

projenz99: you searched for him?

gstreet4life: i googled for:  "Greg Sparks",  band, CA

gstreet4life: so i'm going to send him an email

projenz99: sweet!

projenz99: hows that email goin

gstreet4life: i've written it, but i'm going to send it tomorrow

gstreet4life: so that he doesn't think i'm a complete lunatic

projenz99: hahahaha

projenz99: good point!

projenz99: i didnt think of that

gstreet4life: because he moved to california right after i graduated

gstreet4life: and i haven't talked to him since

gstreet4life: and it's 3:42am

projenz99: yeah thatd be pretty nuts if he saw that.

projenz99: 4:01

gstreet4life: well done

projenz99: well i think it's time

projenz99: zzzzz's

projenz99: i'm getting up at 7 too.

projenz99: maybe

gstreet4life: aw, sad

gstreet4life: not gonna pull through with me

projenz99: we'll see if that actually happens

projenz99: goodnight!

gstreet4life: have a good sleep

projenz99: you too!

projenz99: is away at 4:36:35 AM.

and now i'm just waiting for Orange County to end so i can decide if i'm going to sleep while it's still dark ...or not

posted by Unknown @ 5:12 AM | 0 comments

why the heck aren't the heaters on yet?

so Starting Over's first paid gig went over reasonably poorly. i'm not sure if the fact that there weren't many people there made it more embarassing or less embarassing. meh. we actually got paid (a little). aaaaaand when i asked for honest opinions from people who i knew would give it to me, they just said the vocals were hard to hear and the "playful banter" seemed awkward. if that's all that was (noticably) wrong, then well, ok.
projenz99: i saw you twirl your stick once
projenz99: that was cool
projenz99: haha
gstreet4life: haha, i do it like 1 out of every 4 measures
gstreet4life: that's not like exact or anything
gstreet4life: it's an estimation
gstreet4life: ...anyways, i do it a lot
gstreet4life: it happens subconsiously
gstreet4life: i'm always playing along, and then it happens
gstreet4life: and i'm like "whoah, dude, i just twirled my stick"
gstreet4life: and then i think about how glad i am that i didn't drop it
gstreet4life: but that thought is interrupted because i find myself doing it again
gstreet4life: ha
projenz99: :-) can you toss them in the air too?
gstreet4life: yeah, but my success rate is extremely low
gstreet4life: the twirling thing came from when i was in a steel drum band in high school
gstreet4life: i started out playing the basses, and since it's usually just repetitive synchopated rhythms, our director told us be as animated as possible ...to imitate the real crazy awesome bands in Trinidad and Tobago
projenz99: hahaha
gstreet4life: so me and my buddy Dan had a good time samba-ing, stick-twirling, and random-phrase-of-excitement yelling
gstreet4life: behind our set of basses
projenz99: this does not surprise me
gstreet4life:for serious, it was definitely the funnest thing i've ever done
gstreet4life: and we got paid lots of money for it

ah...reminiscing...how delightful it is. i miss you, Mr. Sparks. i miss you, high school band. i miss you, High Groove Steelers. i miss you, bewildered concert percussion judges.

even though i think i might have said this in my last post, i'm staying here for Fall Break. but i'm cool with it. ...because i can't afford to not be cool with it.

i don't understand
why all of a sudden i've been remembering all of my dreams.

i don't like it. it creeps me out. i want to go back to last week when i was questioning if i've even had any dreams in the last two years.

now everything's back to being eerily vivid just like when i was young.

posted by Unknown @ 2:16 AM | 0 comments

on Friday, October 14, 2005

i've been sleeping so strange at night

if you hate the taste of wine / why do you drink it 'till you're blind? / and if you say there's no truth and who cares / how come you say it like you're right.
"we are nowhere, and it's now." -- bright eyes.

here again:
stuck here again for Fall Break. not that i really mind. i'm hoping to climb at the Mill a lot since I haven't had much time to do that recently. also, i'd like to get out and backpack near school and camp. or at least sleep in my new hammock.

speaking of grande openings:
Molly Goulden, Leigh McAfee, and I were the first people in line at the REI grand opening last Friday. actually we got there like 10 hours early because we snuck past the cops who were make sure nobody was loitering around and camped in some bushes behind the store. it was kind of a bummer because nobody else showed up until about 2 hours before it opened.

pinnacle of excellence
i went back with Eric to climb the pinnacle at today. it was ridiculous how quickly i got pumped. by the third route i was too tired to climb. i haven't climbed in about 3 weeks... that's no good.

i've been bouldering outside Lincoln dorm. my goal is to be able to make into my window on the 3rd floor by the end of the year. right now i'm working on traversing around the entire 1st floor without touching anything that's not brick. it's a nice challenge because there's a little ledge that runs the whole way around, but it's difficult because there are areas where for 5 or so meters, there are no handholds... anyways, i've decided. there's really no excuse for not bouldering at least an hour a day. i waste enough time and hardly ever get a work out. how lame.

Starting Over ...for the first time
my band, Starting Over, is playing our first paid gig this Saturday night at 7:30 outside Tower Church for a bonfire. consider yourself cordially invited.

...which may end up sucking, because we've had a terrible time getting our hands on sound equipment... but it's a free concert and food is provided, so why not come?

now time for more studying.
but first, more bright eyes:
there’s kids playing guns in the street / and one's pointing his tree branch at me / so I put my hands up I say “enough is enough, / if you walk away, I’ll walk away” / ...and he shot me dead.

posted by Unknown @ 2:36 AM | 0 comments

on Monday, October 03, 2005

on the manipulation of the media

behold the power of clever editing...
Anatomy of a Photograph

posted by Unknown @ 2:22 PM | 0 comments