on Thursday, October 20, 2005

ugh, i'm really into quotes recently

Currently playing: A Million Ways by OK Go <--watch the video
Currently re-reading: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I <3 Jon Krakauer books.
I wished to acquire the simplicity, native feelings, and virtues of savage life; to divest myself of the factitious habits, prejudices and imperfections of civilization; ...and to find, amidst the solitude and grandeur of the western wilds, more correct views of human nature and of the true interests of man. The season of snows was preferred, that I might experience the pleasure of suffering, and the novelty of danger."

-Estwick Evans,
A Pedestrious Tour, of Four Thousand Miles,
Through the Western States and Territories,
During the Winter and Spring of 1818
Frankly Scarlet,
...my indifference is boundless.
-Almost said in the final scene of Gone With the Wind.
Fortunately, producer Selznick elected to pay a $5,000 fine and keep the original. (source: IMDb.com)

posted by Unknown @ 10:41 PM


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