on Sunday, October 16, 2005

why the heck aren't the heaters on yet?

so Starting Over's first paid gig went over reasonably poorly. i'm not sure if the fact that there weren't many people there made it more embarassing or less embarassing. meh. we actually got paid (a little). aaaaaand when i asked for honest opinions from people who i knew would give it to me, they just said the vocals were hard to hear and the "playful banter" seemed awkward. if that's all that was (noticably) wrong, then well, ok.
projenz99: i saw you twirl your stick once
projenz99: that was cool
projenz99: haha
gstreet4life: haha, i do it like 1 out of every 4 measures
gstreet4life: that's not like exact or anything
gstreet4life: it's an estimation
gstreet4life: ...anyways, i do it a lot
gstreet4life: it happens subconsiously
gstreet4life: i'm always playing along, and then it happens
gstreet4life: and i'm like "whoah, dude, i just twirled my stick"
gstreet4life: and then i think about how glad i am that i didn't drop it
gstreet4life: but that thought is interrupted because i find myself doing it again
gstreet4life: ha
projenz99: :-) can you toss them in the air too?
gstreet4life: yeah, but my success rate is extremely low
gstreet4life: the twirling thing came from when i was in a steel drum band in high school
gstreet4life: i started out playing the basses, and since it's usually just repetitive synchopated rhythms, our director told us be as animated as possible ...to imitate the real crazy awesome bands in Trinidad and Tobago
projenz99: hahaha
gstreet4life: so me and my buddy Dan had a good time samba-ing, stick-twirling, and random-phrase-of-excitement yelling
gstreet4life: behind our set of basses
projenz99: this does not surprise me
gstreet4life:for serious, it was definitely the funnest thing i've ever done
gstreet4life: and we got paid lots of money for it

ah...reminiscing...how delightful it is. i miss you, Mr. Sparks. i miss you, high school band. i miss you, High Groove Steelers. i miss you, bewildered concert percussion judges.

even though i think i might have said this in my last post, i'm staying here for Fall Break. but i'm cool with it. ...because i can't afford to not be cool with it.

i don't understand
why all of a sudden i've been remembering all of my dreams.

i don't like it. it creeps me out. i want to go back to last week when i was questioning if i've even had any dreams in the last two years.

now everything's back to being eerily vivid just like when i was young.

posted by Unknown @ 2:16 AM


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