on Tuesday, October 25, 2005

i <3 Technicolor
you may be the best damn girl in Texas
i've found that
  1. Questions on IM followed by a single question mark seem like genuine and reasonable questions.
  2. Those not followed by any question mark carry an accusatory tone.
  3. Those followed by any more than one carry a certain incredulousness.
COMM222--Film History and Theory has sure got me quoting classic movies a lot...
...best class ever

I think I start a post every time I'm in this class, but I never finish them.

i ain't good. i'm the best.
-Clyde Barrow

posted by Unknown @ 2:02 PM


Blogger stephanie said...

i <3 Technicolor too

and film history class

Wed Oct 26, 03:43:00 PM EDT

Blogger Libby said...

i feel so out of the loop. who's technicolor?

bryan turner iz da man.
(i cahn spel rheel good)

Thu Oct 27, 12:47:00 AM EDT

Blogger Unknown said...

Technicolor was one of the first patented processes to film, develop, and project color cinema. It had the monopoly on every aspect of color film production for nearly 30 years and produced such excellent films as The Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the Seven Drawfs, and Gone With the Wind--which was last film we wrote a paper on in Film History and Theory...

get the Technicolor wiki-wiki down-low at wikipedia

Thu Oct 27, 02:37:00 AM EDT

Blogger Unknown said...

dude, i hate xanga. i was forced to get that account...

Fri Oct 28, 12:11:00 AM EDT


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