yeah, i play guitar.
and yeah, I yank graphics from exploding dog .com,
and yeah, I give them props for it. |
...been playing guitar a lot lately. It's so relaxing, especially since it's nice out and I've been going down to the hill below flag pole and sitting by the water...Oh man, it's so great there. (
here's a picture that I took last semester...It's not really a good picture of the spot, but it's still kind of cool) Yesterday I was walking around and singing/playing some Jars of Clay. I turned around and there was a couple of people standing by the wall watching me. It looked like a prospective student and her father. They stood there for a while, and it kind of weirded me out, so I sat down and started playing more quietly. After a little while they left and I started singing some praise songs. Gretchen came out of nowhere and started singing with me, which was pretty sweet. She helped me figure out a couple songs that I didn't know. A good time was had by all.
So yeah, new pics up this morning on exploding dog. I recommend you check them out. Some of them are pretty sweet.
also this morning:
...scheduled classes today. I got into all of the classes I wanted except for Speculative Mind with Dr. Kemeny. Here's what it looks like:
Dayplanner for: Bryan
Turner - Fall Semester 2004-2005 Academic Year (as of 3/30/2004)
Each row in the chart below shows your course
commitments for that day of the week.
11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
(10min) |
12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
hr) |
2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
am-12:45 pm
RELI 237 A
(15min) |
pm-2:15 pm
RELI 213 A
11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
(10min) |
12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
(10min) |
1:00 pm-1:50 pm
PHYE 330 A
2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
am-12:45 pm
RELI 237 A
(15min) |
pm-2:15 pm
RELI 213 A
11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
(10min) |
12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
(10min) |
1:00 pm-1:50 pm
PHYE 330 A
2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
Kind of stinks that I'm not going have so much time to eat, but oh well, whatcha gonna do? It looks like Wednesdays and Fridays are going to be bag-lunch days. I kind of wanted to be more free during the lunch hour, especially since I'm going to be an RA, but I want to take these classes, and they're not offered at other times. At least I don't have an classes until after 11am every day. I expect to either study more in the mornings or sleep more. I'm sure it'll end up being the latter, but at least I've got some built in time for last minute test cramming. And that's the way I like it.
Mostly, I'm just posting because Allan wanted me to. If this is boring, blame him. and now I must study for my Civ Literature quiz. Goodbye forneverever and ever amen.
I never expected THIS!
visual entertainment provided by:
exploding dog .com (woof, woof,
I don't consider myself particularly clever or witty. And I could probably assume that most people don't consider me extraordinarily clever/witty, humorous, intelligent, mature, discerning, winsome, patient, pious, handsome, good at sports, artistic, cool, interesting, etc.
but you know what they say about when you assume:
my dad would say something clever and/or witty here.
so what do I have going for me?
...mediocrity. Let's evaluate:
I'm pretty good at frisbee, but I sure don't retain skills over a 3-month no-play-time like Boerckel. I'm gifted musically, but I'm definitely no vocal, guitar, percussion, or songwriting expert. I may be better than most at Mario Battle, but Littell is certainly the master. I can keep up in boggle, but I sure as heck can't beat Jordan, dang it. I may be more outdoorsy than most, but I'd be darned if MollyMarie (A GIRL!!!) doesn't have more camping experience (and equipment, that's a bugger!) than I.
well, I'm me. I guess that's pretty cool. actually I heard that it's pretty...
......AWESOME!?!?!? I gots me 2 arms and 2 legs, 10 fingers and 10 toes, just like everybody else. Isn't it crazy how everything works right the way it's supposed in your body? God's pretty awesome, eh?
Lord God, I thank You that twenty years ago, You created me. I thank You that in Your awesome majesty, Your infinite elegance and all-encompassing knowledge, you made me. More than anything else, Lord, thank you for reconciling me to Yourself through faith in the work of Your Son, Jesus Christ. ...God, I thank you that before I was even in my mother's womb, you knew me, and set me apart for a small part of your purpose. Help me to seek Your will for my life. Help me to be thankful for everything You've given me. Amen and Amen.
...hmm...I guess I'm just in one of those moods where I just write what I'm thinking...
sorry to Ainsley and any other females that may have been potentially offended by the
"a GIRL!!!" comment. Justin Barry, Jarrett Chapman, and many many other Deerfooters have most camping experience than me. They're pretty cool for it too.'s late. or early, depending on your point of view. I hope this makes sense?
TEAMWORK (still) MAKES US ...........AWESOME!?!?!?!
Thanks to all those that helped to make my birthday great, even in the (in my opinion) tragic face of looming schoolwork. I love my friends. I guess that's all I really should have said. THE END
Oh wait, one more thing:
Kyle, what the heck am I supposed to do with this pinata? Can we hit it or something? Please come to my room and hit it with me at your earliest convenience. Thank you, good night. (or morning, depending on your point of view) Also, I'm not real sure what I meant by
tragic face. Please make your best assumption and then remember what my dad would say about
what happens when you assume.
half a tank of gas, a mixed dozen, and chocolate milk
officer: I got you about 75-80. Where were you going?
me: We're headed back to school, sir.
officer: and where might that be?
me: Grove City College, sir.
officer: *looks pleased* ahhh... Where are you coming from?
me: *somewhat embarrassed* ahem .....ah..Krispee Cranberry...
officer: *laughs*
me: *sheepishly* night donut run, you know...
officer: yes, well, slow down, and have a good night.
Becca: *from the backseat* Thank you, Jesus.
whew. Kyle, Becca, and Celia can vouch for the accuracy of this testimony.
awesome! it's been an amazing week. unfortunately, i have a feeling that next week will not be as great. hey, well, I'll only be a teenager for like 8 more hours, how bout that? yessiree, passing the 20 year mark tomorrow!
song of the week:
Worlds Apart, by Jars of Clay
This care of
A(9) Bsus A(9)
I am the only one to blame for this
A(9) Bsus F#7sus
Somehow it all ends up the same
A(9) Bsus C#m7
Soaring on the wings of selfish pride
A(9) Bsus F#7sus
I flew too high and like Icharus I collide
C#m7 Bsus A(9) A(9)
With a world I try so hard to leave behind
C#m7 Bsus A(9) A(9)
To rid myself of all but love, to give and die
what an amazing song. my love for Jars has been renewed singlehandedly by Justin P. Barry (yes you know him,
Justin/Barry/Jaybee/JustinBarryJustinBarry, ex-RA/now-RD, was-guitar-teacher/now-guitar-student, ex-ADEL Chaplain, always friend and mentor extraordinaire). I was playing a song I'm writing in the stairwell and apparently
(to Jaybee, anyways) it sounds similar to
World's Apart. after looking up the chords and playing through a few times with Jaybee, i conclude my song is different, which is good. because it turned out that the last song i wrote was incredibly similar to
Dust in the Wind by Kansas. sadness. well. so now i'm into Jars of Clay again. i guess that was my point.
also in the musical realm today:
Neil came up to me and said: "hey, do you know the rest of this song....
I'm down with the one that is known as the Son,
Of the G to the O to the D, never done..."
as you may or may not know, he was referring to
Jesus Is Just Alright, by the late great
DC Talk This song, originally by the
Doobie Brothers (as i'm sure you know...especially if you're my roommate), was set to a feverish breakbeat, an over-the-top-yet-still-simple guitar solo, and what sounds like a 90s boy band backed by a gospel choir, and DC Talk had an instant hit in the Christian Hip-Hop arena. if you have not perused any of their ealier albums, i recommend you read the lyrics
<here>, and then hop on DC++ to search for the mp3. you won't be sorry--
i promise. oh man...DC
i know you're all asleep around here, but man, you should really see the sky.
"...and it's a brand new night
with the same old stars"
maudlin in a can: the sky's rather gorgeous, eh?
gstreet4life: yeah
gstreet4life: kind of an eerie gorgeous, though
maudlin in a can: yeah
Justin's Nalgene bottle:
"Let's not just drink to that."
here's another late night of nothing with a nice walk home in the cold.
i'm wide awake, and would not be here had the Gee stayed open.
it is another good day.
i posted last night but then i deleted it. i didn't think you'd like it.
on the difference between jackets and coats:
coat (kt)
- A sleeved outer garment extending from the shoulders to the
waist or below.
- A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming
the top part of a suit.
- A natural outer covering, such as the fur of an animal; an integument.
- A layer of material covering something else; a coating: a second
coat of paint.
tr.v. coat·ed, coat·ing, coats
- To provide or cover with a coat.
- To cover with a layer, as of paint.
jack·et (jkt)
- A short coat usually extending to the hips.
- An outer covering or casing, especially:
- The skin of a potato.
- The dust jacket of a book or phonograph record.
- An insulation covering for a steam pipe, wire, boiler, or
similar part.
- An open envelope or folder for filing papers.
- The outer metal shell or case of a bullet.
tr.v. jack·et·ed, jack·et·ing, jack·ets
- To supply or cover with a jacket.
...apparently they're just short coats.
I was looking out the window for long time today. After a while, my roommate came out of the library. I watched him walk across the lawn until he got into range, then I threw a spoon at him. He picked it up, came upstairs and then threw it and hit me in the butt. I just kept looking out the window.
Later, I was looking out the window and Scooter came walking by. I banged the spoon on the window sill until he looked up. Then I threw the spoon at him. He looked at me some more, then bent over and picked up the spoon. He walked a little further, then he stopped, and looked at me again.
He said,
"Do you just sit there all the time?"
I replied,
"...a lot of the time, yes."
He looked at me like I was wearing a funny mask at a wedding reception (but not the kind one might wear to a wedding reception). Either that or he looked at me like I had just thrown a spoon out a 3rd-story window at him--
sometimes I can't tell which.
I tried to defend myself,
"It's nice out." ...hmm...well, that wasn't what I wanted to say.
He smirked.
"Oh, I know."
More defensively this time:
"It's a good view."
"Oh, I know."
Trying to reason with him:
"There's a lot of things to see."
"Oh, I know."
...a silence passed.
He held up the spoon.
"Well, I'm going to keep this."
I replied, showing my resignation,
"Fine. Allan threw it at me the other day." I pointed to the next room over.
He nodded and began to walk, but still was looking at me. I tried to shut the window, but I turned the handle the wrong way, and it just opened farther. He laughed, and I decided to forgo the closing of the findow and just left the window for the first time in about an hour.
by the way: my favorite part of that conversation in the last post was when Matt said
"there is definitely potential in this band"
I'm glad somebody other than the Neuch thinks so. ...just kidding, Neuch, I think so too.
Starting Over For Now
In spite of what was one of (in my opinion) our worst practices ever, it seems we've picked up a bassist. If you've been out of it, yes, I'm in a band with Buddy (aka Brandon Newcomber) and THE Neuch (aka John). I guess we've picked up Matt Reidenbach on bass too. So after practice, I was talking to him. For some reason I found the conversation funny, but it's probably not. Well, I'll copy/paste it anyways. I haven't done that in a while...
gstreet4life (11:12:51 PM):
DepOrville (11:13:13
gstreet4life (11:13:16 PM):
this is Bryam
(11:13:18 PM):
(11:13:19 PM):
no m
(11:13:22 PM):
just an n
DepOrville (11:13:25
DepOrville (11:13:27 PM):
gstreet4life (11:13:29 PM):
(11:13:34 PM):
anyways, thanks
for playing with us
DepOrville (11:13:38
not a problem
DepOrville (11:13:44 PM):
so I am assuming I am in?
gstreet4life (11:14:22 PM):
if you wanna look
past the crappiness we displayed tonight, then i think so.
DepOrville (11:14:38
gstreet4life (11:14:41 PM):
DepOrville (11:14:47
well, I actually didn't think it was that bad
gstreet4life (11:14:57 PM):
okay, it was
probably just me
(11:15:02 PM):
DepOrville (11:15:08
especially considering I was completely new and you guys had never played
with me
gstreet4life (11:15:21 PM):
probably, yeah
DepOrville (11:16:06
the sad thing of all this is that your guys "bad" is way better than the
best of any band I was in during high school
DepOrville (11:16:18 PM):
so this is definitely really awesome
DepOrville (11:17:12 PM):
I have been in some really bad bands
gstreet4life (11:17:35 PM):
anyways, you can
probably count on our other practices having about the same amount of Neuch
and I playing random things while Buddy stands there and wishes that we
would all play the same thing
(11:17:49 PM):
this is my first
(11:18:17 PM):
i've only been
playing for....since the summer before freshman year
DepOrville (11:18:18
DepOrville (11:19:00 PM):
there is definitely potential in this band
DepOrville (11:19:18 PM):
both buddy and neuch seem like good songwriters
gstreet4life (11:19:22 PM):
oh, heck yeah
(11:19:26 PM):
they're great
(11:19:38 PM):
and both really
good at soloing also
(11:20:13 PM):
yeah, i think so
(11:20:16 PM):
and so does neuch
(11:20:34 PM):
buddy's always
just sort of ...docile...
(11:20:35 PM):
(11:20:39 PM):
we're a funny
DepOrville (11:20:42
yeah |
It's true, we
are a funny group. When I found Matt and we wanted to try him out, we each decided to email him and tell him of our taste in music. I bet those were funny for him to read. With Buddy being a singer/songwriter type (
btw, his solo album is shared at \\MyBuddy if you're on the GCC network), THE Neuch being a classic rock type, and my self being more of an eclectic mix of 90s alternative / modern rock / Brit-rock / accoustic / everything else including techno and rap... we're all quite different people. and after playing just once with Matt, I can see he's another dimension... Which means he's probably perfect for the band. awesome.
Well, now we're just looking for a singer with a rock voice... if you know any at GCC, lemme know. mmmmeh. It's probably better if work on that ourselves. time to play more boggle.
"The British have something of a reputation for being a little bit eccentric, and nowhere does that show itself more than in what they do in their spare time. From going for picnics in the rain (not usually planned) to playing cricket, we do many things which confuse people from other countries. There are some sports and hobbies, however, which confuse even British people, perhaps the strangest being trainspotting." [