on Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Starting Over For Now
In spite of what was one of (in my opinion) our worst practices ever, it seems we've picked up a bassist. If you've been out of it, yes, I'm in a band with Buddy (aka Brandon Newcomber) and THE Neuch (aka John). I guess we've picked up Matt Reidenbach on bass too. So after practice, I was talking to him. For some reason I found the conversation funny, but it's probably not. Well, I'll copy/paste it anyways. I haven't done that in a while...
gstreet4life (11:12:51 PM): heya
DepOrville (11:13:13 PM): yo
gstreet4life (11:13:16 PM): this is Bryam
gstreet4life (11:13:18 PM): Bryan
gstreet4life (11:13:19 PM): no m
gstreet4life (11:13:22 PM): just an n
DepOrville (11:13:25 PM): ok
DepOrville (11:13:27 PM): yeah
gstreet4life (11:13:29 PM): heh
gstreet4life (11:13:34 PM): anyways, thanks for playing with us
DepOrville (11:13:38 PM): not a problem
DepOrville (11:13:44 PM): so I am assuming I am in?
gstreet4life (11:14:22 PM): if you wanna look past the crappiness we displayed tonight, then i think so.
DepOrville (11:14:38 PM): sure
gstreet4life (11:14:41 PM): heh
DepOrville (11:14:47 PM): well, I actually didn't think it was that bad
gstreet4life (11:14:57 PM): okay, it was probably just me
gstreet4life (11:15:02 PM): anyways
DepOrville (11:15:08 PM): especially considering I was completely new and you guys had never played with me
gstreet4life (11:15:21 PM): probably, yeah
DepOrville (11:16:06 PM): the sad thing of all this is that your guys "bad" is way better than the best of any band I was in during high school
DepOrville (11:16:18 PM): so this is definitely really awesome
DepOrville (11:17:12 PM): I have been in some really bad bands
gstreet4life (11:17:35 PM): anyways, you can probably count on our other practices having about the same amount of Neuch and I playing random things while Buddy stands there and wishes that we would all play the same thing
gstreet4life (11:17:49 PM): this is my first time
gstreet4life (11:18:17 PM): i've only been playing for....since the summer before freshman year
DepOrville (11:18:18 PM): heh
DepOrville (11:19:00 PM): there is definitely potential in this band
DepOrville (11:19:18 PM): both buddy and neuch seem like good songwriters
gstreet4life (11:19:22 PM): oh, heck yeah
gstreet4life (11:19:26 PM): they're great
gstreet4life (11:19:38 PM): and both really good at soloing also
gstreet4life (11:20:13 PM): yeah, i think so too
gstreet4life (11:20:16 PM): and so does neuch
gstreet4life (11:20:34 PM): buddy's always just sort of ...docile...
gstreet4life (11:20:35 PM): haha
gstreet4life (11:20:39 PM): we're a funny group
DepOrville (11:20:42 PM): yeah
It's true, we are a funny group. When I found Matt and we wanted to try him out, we each decided to email him and tell him of our taste in music. I bet those were funny for him to read. With Buddy being a singer/songwriter type (btw, his solo album is shared at \\MyBuddy if you're on the GCC network), THE Neuch being a classic rock type, and my self being more of an eclectic mix of 90s alternative / modern rock / Brit-rock / accoustic / everything else including techno and rap... we're all quite different people. and after playing just once with Matt, I can see he's another dimension... Which means he's probably perfect for the band. awesome.

Well, now we're just looking for a singer with a rock voice... if you know any at GCC, lemme know. mmmmeh. It's probably better if work on that ourselves. okay...now time to play more boggle.

posted by Unknown @ 11:47 PM


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