on Saturday, March 20, 2004

half a tank of gas, a mixed dozen, and chocolate milk

officer: I got you about 75-80. Where were you going?
me: We're headed back to school, sir.
officer: and where might that be?
me: Grove City College, sir.
officer: *looks pleased* ahhh... Where are you coming from?
me: *somewhat embarrassed* ahem .....ah..Krispee Kreme.....in Cranberry...
officer: *laughs*
me: *sheepishly* yeah...um...late night donut run, you know...
officer: yes, well, slow down, and have a good night.
Becca: *from the backseat* Thank you, Jesus.

whew. Kyle, Becca, and Celia can vouch for the accuracy of this testimony.

awesome! it's been an amazing week. unfortunately, i have a feeling that next week will not be as great. hey, well, I'll only be a teenager for like 8 more hours, how bout that? yessiree, passing the 20 year mark tomorrow!

song of the week:
Worlds Apart, by Jars of Clay
This care of ultimateguitar.com
A(9) Bsus A(9) I am the only one to blame for this A(9) Bsus F#7sus Somehow it all ends up the same A(9) Bsus C#m7 Soaring on the wings of selfish pride A(9) Bsus F#7sus I flew too high and like Icharus I collide C#m7 Bsus A(9) A(9) With a world I try so hard to leave behind C#m7 Bsus A(9) A(9) To rid myself of all but love, to give and die

what an amazing song. my love for Jars has been renewed singlehandedly by Justin P. Barry (yes you know him, Justin/Barry/Jaybee/JustinBarryJustinBarry, ex-RA/now-RD, was-guitar-teacher/now-guitar-student, ex-ADEL Chaplain, always friend and mentor extraordinaire). I was playing a song I'm writing in the stairwell and apparently (to Jaybee, anyways) it sounds similar to World's Apart. after looking up the chords and playing through a few times with Jaybee, i conclude my song is different, which is good. because it turned out that the last song i wrote was incredibly similar to Dust in the Wind by Kansas. sadness. well. so now i'm into Jars of Clay again. i guess that was my point.

also in the musical realm today:
Neil came up to me and said: "hey, do you know the rest of this song....
I'm down with the one that is known as the Son, Of the G to the O to the D, never done..."
as you may or may not know, he was referring to Jesus Is Just Alright, by the late great DC Talk This song, originally by the Doobie Brothers (as i'm sure you know...especially if you're my roommate), was set to a feverish breakbeat, an over-the-top-yet-still-simple guitar solo, and what sounds like a 90s boy band backed by a gospel choir, and DC Talk had an instant hit in the Christian Hip-Hop arena. if you have not perused any of their ealier albums, i recommend you read the lyrics <here>, and then hop on DC++ to search for the mp3. you won't be sorry--i promise. oh man...DC Talk...wow.

posted by Unknown @ 3:46 PM


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