yeah, i play guitar. |
...been playing guitar a lot lately. It's so relaxing, especially since it's nice out and I've been going down to the hill below flag pole and sitting by the water...Oh man, it's so great there. (here's a picture that I took last semester...It's not really a good picture of the spot, but it's still kind of cool) Yesterday I was walking around and singing/playing some Jars of Clay. I turned around and there was a couple of people standing by the wall watching me. It looked like a prospective student and her father. They stood there for a while, and it kind of weirded me out, so I sat down and started playing more quietly. After a little while they left and I started singing some praise songs. Gretchen came out of nowhere and started singing with me, which was pretty sweet. She helped me figure out a couple songs that I didn't know. A good time was had by all.
So yeah, new pics up this morning on exploding dog. I recommend you check them out. Some of them are pretty sweet.
also this morning:
...scheduled classes today. I got into all of the classes I wanted except for Speculative Mind with Dr. Kemeny. Here's what it looks like:
Dayplanner for: Bryan Turner - Fall Semester 2004-2005 Academic Year (as of 3/30/2004)Kind of stinks that I'm not going have so much time to eat, but oh well, whatcha gonna do? It looks like Wednesdays and Fridays are going to be bag-lunch days. I kind of wanted to be more free during the lunch hour, especially since I'm going to be an RA, but I want to take these classes, and they're not offered at other times. At least I don't have an classes until after 11am every day. I expect to either study more in the mornings or sleep more. I'm sure it'll end up being the latter, but at least I've got some built in time for last minute test cramming. And that's the way I like it.
Each row in the chart below shows your course commitments for that day of the week.
Mon 11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
RISE OF CHRISTIANITY(10min) 12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
CIV/SPECULATIVE MINDTue 11:30 am-12:45 pm
RELI 237 A
BIBLICAL BOOKS-HEBREWS(15min) 1:00 pm-2:15 pm
RELI 213 A
Wed 11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
INTRO NEW TEST GREEK(10min) 1:00 pm-1:50 pm
PHYE 330 A
RACQUETBALL2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
CIV/SPECULATIVE MINDThu 11:30 am-12:45 pm
RELI 237 A
BIBLICAL BOOKS-HEBREWS(15min) 1:00 pm-2:15 pm
RELI 213 A
Fri 11:00 am-11:50 am
HIST 390 A
RISE OF CHRISTIANITY(10min) 12:00 pm-12:50 pm
GREK 101 A
INTRO NEW TEST GREEK(10min) 1:00 pm-1:50 pm
PHYE 330 A
RACQUETBALL2:00 pm-2:50 pm
HUMA 201 C
Mostly, I'm just posting because Allan wanted me to. If this is boring, blame him. and now I must study for my Civ Literature quiz. Goodbye forneverever and ever amen.
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