on Thursday, April 10, 2003

a permanent-marker frowny face on my hand

listening to::
The Hammer Holds by Bebo Norman my playlist is in my praise-type songs now.

and now::
whew...what a relief. i finally got a chance to ask Kristin to the Adelphikos formal. i just hope that she doesn't think that she was my backup plan. i feel really bad about that. she said that her and Libby had been talking about it. they heard that Ainsley couldn't come down and knew i would be looking for a date. well, the real story is that i originally i wanted to take Kristin. (Kristin, i hope you read this, because i really don't want you to feel like you're a backup...) i thought it would be a lot of fun with her. the only reason i started planning on taking Ainsley is because one day i asked her jokingly, and she said it might be possible for her to come down. well, of course, we've been trying to find a time when she could come visit me, hang out for a while, and meet my friends. when it turned out she was free that weekend and willing to use her frequent flier miles, i was all about bringing her in for the weekend. but on Sunday she emailed me saying that she couldn't come because otherwise she wouldn't be able to see her family at Christmas time. i agreed that it was better for her to stay at school instead of coming down to visit, but the last two days have been really stinky, with the formal hanging over my head, and wondering if i would look like i have this plan of girls lined up that i wanted to take to the formal. well...i hope i don't look like that, because that's not the way i think.

but i'm pretty sure that i'm coming off as a big loser who thinks about this stuff too much.

too tired to think of one. [why?]
because it's 1:26am, and you're supposed to be tired at that time.

posted by Unknown @ 1:31 AM


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