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on Tuesday, March 18, 2003

sobering thoughts

"There is not certainty in war, except the certainty of sacrifice."--President George W. Bush, 3/17/03 address

and now::
That last post was an email forward my dad send me. Now, I never send forwards of this type, but I thought it might be good for people to read and think about.

Every once in a while I wonder how many of us forget what costs afforded us our freedom. Today I was sitting and reading at a spot where I could see the flag at the bottom of the quad. I saw numerous students walking underneath it and wondered how many even noticed the flag.
I can't walk underneath the symbol of our nation without looking at it and thinking on what it stands for.
I recall how many wars this flag has seen,
how many armies have faced it,
how many men have died to raise it and to keep it flying.

We live in the greatest nation in the world, and what makes our country great is the freedom it was founded on, the freedom that so many have died fighting to preserve.
Are you thankful for those that have fought to give you what you have?
Do you thank God everyday with how much he has blessed this nation?
Are you appreciative for our country's leaders who have the intestinal fortitude required to take on those that stand against us?
Do you show your thankfulness in your actions?
Maybe these are things that you should think about.

posted by Unknown @ 10:39 AM


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