on Monday, March 31, 2003

ooooh, twice in one night

listening to::
Caedmon's Call's new album
which reminds me::
the Jars of Clay / Caedmon's Call concert on Wednesday night was wonderifical.
which also reminds me::
here is the note that i dictated to Neuch the other day when we wanted to borrow my roomate's guitar::
I, John J. Neuch, am stealing
no, I mean, borrowing your
wonderifical guitar and its magical

John Joseph "The" Neuch
and now::
yes, yes, i'm back again. i know what you're saying::
"Bryan, this is silly! You say that you're updating your blog for the second time today?!? Even though you already wrote like the longest post you've ever written only two and a half hours ealier?!? Is this some kind of cruel joke! Don't make fun of me and all those other people that have been sending endless emails, letters, answering machine messages, flyers, tri-fold bulletins, and carrier pidgeons all demanding that you update your blog at least once a week! hmmm...This is quite an enigma! I must ponder this!"
okay, so nobody's saying that. i just feel like writing more. what fun, and excitement.

AEX Live was Friday night on Lincoln Lawn. it was awesome. Like Summer played from 10-11pm. it was most def their best concert ever. they're so good. oh man. i have pics that Joel B. sent me that some girl on the swim team sent him because she took them at the concert. if you want those, email me and i'll send 'em on down.

Ainsley, if you recognize this next part, that's because i basically copy/pasted it from IM onto here and took out the sns and your comments. i'm not sure why i mentioned that...but...welp, there ya go.
so, Saturday was our service project for Adelphikos. we worked with a group called Hosanna Industries. it's like Habitat for Humanity, but we didn't build anything, because they didn't have any jobs for that weekend. so half of our group went and helped a family who had water damage in their house. and the other half (that i went with) helped a blind couple move to a new house. that was fun, and fairly interesting. they didn't have lightbulbs. i never thought about that before--that blind people don't need lightbulbs. so, it was fun, but it took forever we left here around 9am. we got lost a bit, becuase the directions were bad. but we worked until 5:30, and we didn't stop for lunch, so when we got back around 7pm, we cleaned up and went to dinner. we had so much fun...we were making fun of Joe Farley kind of. he's the pres of the ADELs. he's a great guy, but he's always kind of ....indecisive about girls. so we were teasing him because he keeps switching who he wants to take to the formal. he kind of wondered out loud if our waitress would go with him to the formal, and so we started talking about how old we thought she was. i thought she was at least 20, but joe kept saying that she looked like she was in high school. anyway, we got him to ask her how old she was. here's how it went::
Joe Farley: Would you be offended if I asked how old you were?
Morgan (the waitress): How old do you think I am?
JoeFa: 18?
Morgan: I'm 22.
everybody: uh-oh
*awkward silence*
Morgan: hmm...Water anyone?
*after she leaves* JoeFa: *clutches his heart* ouch
Me: Welp, can't see you going anywhere with that one.
so i wrote his number down and left it on the table. i folded the paper so it could stand up and show his number, and hold the tip. what fun, and excitement. the whole night JoeFa kept talking about how Morgan was going to call him. he's so funny. it was greatness. okay, now it's bedness time. goodnight.

why am i sleeping on the couch again?
because i still haven't cleaned off my bed since i did my six loads of laundry on Friday. Jordan gives me three more days.

posted by Unknown @ 12:54 AM


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