The farther I travel down this road, the further I get behind.

on Friday, December 16, 2005

well. I know that farther applies to physical distance and further to advancement toward a greater degree, but what if the road is more of a metaphysical "road"? Such as... the road of my life?

oh boy, that would just make this post intolerable. no more of that emo BS. ok, moving on. (but maybe I still like the philosophical question... a tool of manipulation... lol.)

TODAY ONLY: Instead of conversations, emails from the Frat mailing list.
...specifically pertaining to the one that I just dictated to Kyle.

From: Dudt, James A.
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 2:35 PM
To: Kroleski, Gregory T.; Turner, Bryan R.; Boerckel, Joel D.; Burdge, Jordan Z.; Courage, Caleb B.; DEpagnier, Eric W.; Edwards, Allan E.; Griffin, Thomas W.; Haas, Roger E.; Houk, Wayne R.; Hrebinko, Gregory T.; Ingram, Russell B.; Keeny, Jeffrey D.; Keller, William C.; Kimball, Richard X.; Larson, Andrew A.; Littell, Matthew D.; Manzullo, Neil A.; Manzullo, Noel A.; McFarlane, Daniel T.; Neuch, John J.; Pozza, Kevin L.; Scarbro, Kyle J.; Snyder, Robert M.


They are the shirts under the sink.  If any active wants them right now, they can have them.  If not, I’ll give them to my favorite pledges.



From: Courage, Caleb B.
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 3:25 PM
To: Dudt, James A.; Kroleski, Gregory T.; Turner, Bryan R.; Boerckel, Joel D.; Burdge, Jordan Z.; DEpagnier, Eric W.; Edwards, Allan E.; Griffin, Thomas W.; Haas, Roger E.; Houk, Wayne R.; Hrebinko, Gregory T.; Ingram, Russell B.; Keeny, Jeffrey D.; Keller, William C.; Kimball, Richard X.; Larson, Andrew A.; Littell, Matthew D.; Manzullo, Neil A.; Manzullo, Noel A.; McFarlane, Daniel T.; Neuch, John J.; Pozza, Kevin L.; Scarbro, Kyle J.; Snyder, Robert M.


Here I come


Caleb B. Courage

100 Campus Drive

Grove City PA



From: Scarbro, Kyle J.
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 3:37 PM
To: Dudt, James A.; Kroleski, Gregory T.; Turner, Bryan R.; Boerckel, Joel D.; Burdge, Jordan Z.; DEpagnier, Eric W.; Edwards, Allan E.; Griffin, Thomas W.; Haas, Roger E.; Houk, Wayne R.; Hrebinko, Gregory T.; Ingram, Russell B.; Keeny, Jeffrey D.; Keller, William C.; Kimball, Richard X.; Larson, Andrew A.; Littell, Matthew D.; Manzullo, Neil A.; Manzullo, Noel A.; McFarlane, Daniel T.; Neuch, John J.; Pozza, Kevin L.; Scarbro, Kyle J.; Snyder, Robert M.


Just a note:


Caleb P. Courage has quadrupled the number of ADEL shirts he owns in “a series of … ONE DAY.”


And he’s wearing three of  them RIGHT NOW.


And he sure did come too. That last email was not a lie.

posted by Unknown @ 4:06 PM | 4 comments

the scamp says: MRAAAWRR!!! I'M CREEPIN'!!!

crap, I just realized that my little sister reads my blog. oh well.

more nonsequitur:
If you didn't catch that ULTRAMAN in Ketler Rec, the SAC, or the Lie-Berry, you missed out. I just ULTRA happened to be there when that mysterious character saved the ULTRA day in all three locations. It was vlassic. Look for much more of him during Pledge/Greek Unity Week 2006.

speaking of which:
turns out I'm the new GUY coordinator / Pledge Master for next semester's rushes... mmmmmmmmmm...sounds like me and Greg Kroleski (Assistant Pledge Master) are going to be having fun.

it's nice to be in the land of the living again:
oh man, I was really sick. I was totally out of commission with some kind of stomach flu from Saturday night until Wednesday morning. on Monday I woke up--to take a final (yuck) I had my first meal in almost a week at Wednesday dinner, and when I was in the drink line somebody *AHEM* (Amy Martin) poked me in the ribs. oh, that felt great. anyways, I'm almost all healthy now. At least I'm hungry. now I'm just ridiculously behind on papers that were due a couple of days ago. Yay for finals week starting today!!!! OH FUN! lol.

posted by Unknown @ 2:15 AM | 0 comments

conversations in the night

on the way home from dinner
Rog: ...well, there are only two things that make sense in this world.
me: Death and taxes!! ok, maybe just taxes.
Will: and Communism!!
Rog: oh no... *sigh* ... boys, I see I have so much work to do.
some of this one may or may not be recreated, because I closed the Instant Messenger window before I copy/pasted it all...
gstreet4life: bizerkel?
bizerkel: gstreet?
gstreet4life: are you in your room?
bizerkel: yep
gstreet4life: we're basically sitting right next to each other
gstreet4life: I'm in Neuch's room
bizerkel: I can hear you
gstreet4life: Allan says come over
gstreet4life: we're having a serious study session
bizerkel: ok
bizerkel: i'm about to have a serious sleeping session
gstreet4life: YOU SUCK!

after a few minutes, Joel hasn't showed up. Allan starts tapping on the wall, and I lean into the heating register.

me (audibly): Joooooooooellllllllll come oooOOOOOooovvvverrrrrr
bizerkel (on IM again): ok, ok
bizerkel: hold on a sec
gstreet4life: lol
for the record, he showed up after about 15 minutes. originally I had written, "for the record, he never showed up, at least not while I was awake." But since he's sitting on the couch beside me now, I feel obligated to change the statement.

and just now:
Noel: I'm going to get on my bed like THIS!!! WUUAGGHH!
me: um, good job?
Noel: Hey! It's difficult for me.
me: Yeah, you know, you don't work out much.
Noel: slash at all
me: ...
Noel: I was in remedial swimming, thank you very much.
me: ...
Noel: Do you remember FitWell?
me: umm, yeah?
Noel: I hated that.

posted by Unknown @ 1:20 AM | 0 comments

sometimes, when I wake up, the only thing I can think: Welcome to Life

on Thursday, December 08, 2005

Welcome to Life
except, for some reason "welcome" periodically appears to be German (but certainly not everytime), and I see it all in a Old English script, black, small letters, on a white back ground, centered. Then I realize it is only the title page of a screenplay and my view quickly zooms out to take in an entire universe--only right here, in the pages of a terse but flowing script. Apparently most of the characters have ad-lib parts, except for the ones who consistently appear as deliberately unfunny and (sadly) predetermined. Most everything else is chaotic.

And still, to me, the particularly funny part is that I usually just end up wondering why "welcomen" is German and not English. it's probably really the most intruiging part of the whole script.

posted by Unknown @ 4:00 AM | 0 comments

i've been downgraded: now just, Rebel without a cause

on Wednesday, December 07, 2005

well, tonight we voted in a new exec of the Adelphikos Fraternity, and I must say I'm sad to leave the VP seat. I am glad to know, though that it is in the competent hands of my protege, Roger Haas. Likewise, the rest of Exec is also under good management. Congratulate James Dudt (Pres), Roger Haas (VP), Danny MacFarlane (Treasurer), Eric D'Epangier (Secretary), and Will Keller (Chaplain). These are men for which I have the utmost respect, and I expect great things out of them.

posted by Unknown @ 1:02 AM | 0 comments

The Insomniacs Club reunites

on Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Noel: well. that was refreshing.
Neuch: What did you do?
Noel: just drank a lot.
Neuch: ?
Noel: a lot of water.
...what, do I need to give you a play-by-play or something?
it's nice to be back:
for The Noelch's room is my favorite of all rooms directly across the hall from mine. And (now!) that we have installed a nice berber-carpeted isle, I can travel to and fro ('to' being my room and 'fro' being The Noelch's) without necessity of slippers (even so, I wear the woolen moccasin slippers), (and!) without fears of the ground being cold. turns out that anymore I don't have any reason to leave the carpet from the hours of 9pm to 11am. awesome.

posted by Unknown @ 2:02 AM | 0 comments


the line which I heard my little brother quote all break and finally saw on Television this morning and now understand because of the context but you probably won't understand unless you've seen this particular episode of The Fairly Odd Parents:
Dad: Jimmy, what are you going to have for breakfast? ... I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "Mold Meerial"
Jimmy: umm... Waffles?
Dad: That's right!!!

posted by Unknown @ 1:51 AM | 2 comments

whirlwind came into my life

on Monday, November 28, 2005

actually, it was more like a tornado:
Luckily, it wasn't a big one, and it was in the next valley over. We did go down in the basement just in case though. After it had passed, the storm system collapsed and brought some awesome winds and hard rain.

And you know how I do love a good storm.

I finished The Last Battle today. mmmm... soo good. I'm glad I re-read the Chronicles over break. It was definitely a good decision.

on how much the weather is greater than Grove City, Pennsylvania:
gstreet4life: and i've been taking naps in my hammock everyday
bizerkel: you jerk
...enough said.

and now: the obligitory stuck-in-my-head song lyrics...
this time, brought to you by Dispatch
whirlwind came into my life
and it tried to rescue me
will you come / will you go
will you tell me seriously
twistin', burnin', my thoughts turnin'
back to you again
sweet thing take me to the end

posted by Unknown @ 5:12 PM | 0 comments

Happy Thanksgiving

on Saturday, November 26, 2005

new gallery -- Thanksgiving '05 in Birmingham:
i took my little brother and sister camping at Oak Mountain State Park the night before Thanksgiving. they haven't really ever done stuff like that, so it was a real treat for them. we took my step-dad's ridiculously big 2-room tent, which was hard for someone who likes to be an ultra-light packer. that thing had to weigh like 25 pounds.

see more pics

so I'm re-reading...
The Chronicles of Narnia. It's been so long since I read them as a child that I wanted to remember the story. In the last three days I've managed one book per day, but I need to work on a couple of papers tomorrow, so dunno if I'll manage that pace. As I'm reading, all the time I'm imagining how awesome it would be if Peter Jackson made a movie of them... Turns out that he is, and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe comes out December 9. check out the trailer, looks pretty good.

also: it turns out that in 2007 Peter Jackson will also be producing a movie based on the Halo video game series... hmm. well, we'll see how that one turns out... it's too good of a sci-fi action storyline to become another Doom. read this announcement by the Halo series fansite... it's humorous.

on the awesomeness of Alabama: the weather's been great (like 60s instead of the teens that GCC is currently experiencing), i've taken a nap in my hammock almost everyday (which is amazing, i might add), i've been climbing down in the Shades Crest Boulder Fields twice, we had people over for cards tonight, and i've had mexican food at least once every day. in conclusion, I'm not looking forward to going back to school.

posted by Unknown @ 1:13 AM | 0 comments

"They say Aslan is on the move..."

on Friday, November 25, 2005

And now a very curious thing happened.

None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do; but the moment the Beaver had spoken these words everyone felt quite different.

Perhaps it has sometimes happened to you in a dream that someone says something which you don't understand but in the dream it feels as if it had some enormous meaning -- either a terrifying one which turns the whole dream into a nightmare or else a lovely meaning too lovely to put into words, which makes the dream so beautiful that you remember it all your life and are always wishing you could get into that dream again...
It was like that now.

posted by Unknown @ 10:50 PM | 0 comments