thanks to those of you who came.

on Sunday, November 13, 2005

apparently you liked what you saw.

it was pretty rock and roll, at least that's what people said.

i'm sorry if you missed out, but listen for the rock to be coming again soon.

posted by Unknown @ 2:14 AM


Blogger Libby said...

I thought you guys were really good!

Fri Nov 18, 06:45:00 PM EST

Blogger Unknown said...

thanks lib

Sat Nov 19, 03:03:00 PM EST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As it turns out, is almost as funny as you are.

Mon Nov 21, 06:24:00 PM EST

Blogger Unknown said...

oh wow. i wonder why they chose such a domain name... ?

Mon Nov 21, 09:19:00 PM EST


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