on Saturday, April 02, 2005

It's a beautiful day!
the sunrise was nice today.
it only rained hard until about 6am
but sadly, I am just heading to bed.

so i officially hate my security shift:
please note the time of this post. enough said.

I'm not sure why I signed up for a job that only has hours between midnight at 7am. It cramps my Fridays and totally ruins my sleep patterns for the entire weekend. plus it just seems like such a pointless task anyways. I just sat for most of the last 6 hours and watched the first 6 episodes of Arrested Development season 2 and most about half of The Usual Suspects... I saw a total of 10 people the entire time I was working.

oh well, the semester's almost over, and I'm trying to get a better campus job for next year.

and now it's time for a 5 hour morning nap. goodnight...er...day...

posted by Unknown @ 6:58 AM


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