pre-Anniversary gift
Tomorrow marks a momentus occasion for blogging history... or at least my blogging history. 302a (the artist formerly known as in_site...) will be 2 years old. in honor of this day, i am renewing my committment to blogging. how exciting. or maybe not, if you never liked what i wrote in the first place.
well, let's just get right to the rant:
so this past week was been Grove City's so-called "Spring Break". the funny thing about this Spring Break thing at GCC is that it is neither Spring, nor much of a break. if you're not a Grover (Grover = this, not this ...or this), then you probably have no clue why i, like many GCC students, am put-off with this charade of a Spring Break.
it's strategically done:
1: if you call this Spring, you're full of it. with Easter break being in less than 3 weeks, they have to push what normal schools call 'Spring Break' up to the end of Frebruary. normal schools have their Spring Break during our Easter break. know, like when it's actually almost spring. of course, it makes sense that Easter would be celebrated more here at Freedom's College then at a state school, but geez, i mean if you're going to call it Spring Break, shouldn't we at least be able to see grass through the snow around campus? yuck, i hate crummy PA weather.and, i don't really have a problem with that.
2: it's too short to be a Break. i think officially GCC refers to this as a 'Spring Recess', which is more like what it is. it's like that brief time that we had back in the early years of school where teachers can get us out of their hair for 20 minutes or so. and then we'd go right into nap-time. unfortunately, at most collegiate level institutions, nap-time, at least on a school-wide scale, has been forsaken. i regard this to be one of the most significant mistakes of higher-level education.
3: it's not worth it. understanding students to be good Grovers who are over-achieving anal-retentive GPA-mongers, profs can keep us on a tight leash by giving exams and assigning papers during the weeks precending and following break. so that means for us slackers, we have to study our butts off during what should be a break from school.
i'm convinced that the whole purpose of this charade is to keep good little GCC students from partying down in Cancun or South Padre with the real college kids.
my beef with this break is primarily that it's just short enough that i can't justify driving 12-and-a-half hours to Sweet Home Alabama or the $200 to fly, and it's just long enough that everybody else goes home and by the 2nd day it's pretty boring around here.
OH KAY. so now onto my original intent. actually, i can't recall where i was going with that story. hmm. perhaps it will come to me later. at least you got a rant out of me in my first real post in the last 10 months.
in other news:
much to the delight of Allan, i told Kyle i would room with him next year. i had planned on taking a single next year, but i don't think i'd like the solitude or the inability to have many people over. in addition: Kyle's a cool kid, and i dig him. i just hope we're not at each others throats by the end of next year. like i said, this made Allan happy, since he's been wanting a single on the hall, and since i get 3rd pick, that means that he probably wouldn't get one if i took one.
in conclusion:
most everybody's copacetic around here. still, Jordan and i are really wondering how our Freshmen will end up splitting for rooms next year. it should be interesting.
oh crap, i have to get up early!
drat. i forgot that not only did i plan on renewing my committment to blogging (which i'll explain in my next post), but i also had planned renewing my committment to running in the morning. i gotta get some sleep. it's already nearly 3am. ...more to come, and i promise this time it really will come... maybe.