on Monday, May 03, 2004

this is what happens at Bible study when the girls don't show up:

the first incident:
*Jordan kicks my laudry bag off my bed in such a way that it knocks over my bench, which lands on Paul's foot and rather hilariously sends things such as Bibles flying in various directions*
Everyone: "whoah..."
Joel (hysterically laughing): "brilliant.... military....... tactic.......... that's great."
Jordan: "aw, I hurt your Bible...oh, i knocked the cover off your Bible...aw, crap."
not 5 minutes later:
Jordan: "...that's not how your smoke a cigarette, that's how you smoke weed."
me: "well, my grandma used to smoke like that"
Paul: "i eat tacos like that"
Joel: "i eat tacos like this"
me: "i eat tacos like this"
Jordan: ".......stop eating air tacos!"
Paul: "mmm...tacos...how much do they cost?"
me: "39 cents, today"
Paul: "hmm...that sounds really good"
Jordan: "yeah? you want to go get some?"
in brief, we need you, Jenna, Shara, Katie, and Becky.

posted by Unknown @ 2:17 PM