on Friday, October 10, 2003

my voice is gone--i don't care. i'm hungry and tired--i don't care. i accomplished no school work, and skipped two of my classes today--i don't care.
oh wow oh wow oh wow. the FIVE IRON FRENZY concert rocked my socks!
and Reese Roper in chapel was great! it was also fully awesome that Kyle swung it so Daniel and i could help with stage crew, so we got to spend they day doing stuff to get ready and meeting all of the bands and junk like that...oh man, it was great. you should have been there. what a concert...especially the last 3 songs. oh how i love fiveiron's more worshipful songs. oh how i love fiveiron, and how i will miss never seeing them in concert again.

posted by Unknown @ 1:14 AM


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