on Wednesday, October 08, 2003

i don't post so much
yeah, i know it's been a while since a good post. i dunno, but i can't get into the posting groove like last year. i'm sure that everyone has now stopped checking my blog

never ceases to amaze me::
Dr. Bibza sang the Baal song today. i had heard rumors of this song from those that had previously taken Old Testament, but i never knew it was coming. oh man. you know... it goes:
the B-A-A-A-L
that's the god for me
i'll fornicate with the preistesses in the temple
the B-A-A-A-L
even better::
today in Russian History, Dr. Tilford re-inacted the beheadings that took place in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great. he also told stories of Peter's bacchanalias, and somehow led that into a story of one of his relatives that got onto the national news by streaking through a police station. mmm...i love Russian history.

floats and flamers::
work on our fraternity's homecoming float is in full swing. somehow i became one of the guys in charge. i'm sure i'll end up in charge of it next year. anyways, it's finally starting to come together. prepare to be impressed.

today we play in the IM frisbee (sorry, the link doesn't work for you off campus) semi-finals. We play the Flaming Throwers, which is a freshman team. they're certainly the best freshman team, and only one that made it into playoffs. in the last couple of days they've been talking a lot of smack. that's just so uncouth and uncalled for. i don't care if they are good, or if they beat us, but they're acting like the AOs. more importantly, though, this is the farthest the Blackhawks have ever gone, and we plan to win it all.

the best. ever.
tonight Daniel Campell is coming up! i haven't seen him in a while, so that's sweet action. and then Rachel Glass is coming up tomorrow afternoon. and then THURSDAY EVENING IS FIVE IRON FRENZY!!! that's all that matters...oh man, i can't freaking wait. and Thursday morning REESE ROPER IS SPEAKING IN CHAPEL!!! holy crap...whoah.

ok, now i go to sociology 101

posted by Unknown @ 1:51 PM


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