on Friday, September 12, 2003


what's up with me?
why haven't i posted in a while? yeah, i know it's been a while. people have been asking where i've been. welp, i've been right here the whole time. and almost everyday something humorous enough to blog about has come up, but i just haven't been in a blogging mood. maybe if i start this post in class (like i am now) and save it to finish for later...maybe i'll finally get a post out.

The Biggest--> okay, so now i can talk about it. I am now officially moving to Birmingham, Alabama. Mike, my step-dad, has felt called by God to pastor McElwain Baptist Church in Birmingham. it's a huge move, but both the church and our family feel like this is where God wants us. after spending a weekend down there, i can't wait to live there, but i'm definitely not looking forward to leaving home in Maryland. well, i've already made a move like this before--when our family moved from Texas to Maryland. i am very sad about moving away from my friends in Easton, but i've promised people that i will be back. Jared said to "put him on the list" of places to stay if i come down for a week or whatnot. and i do plan on coming down for at least a week at the beginning of next summer. i don't know what else to say about this....so email me if you have any questions, especially people from Easton.

more frivilous things::
Krispy Kreme--> Night before last, i'm sitting in Allan and Neil's room talking. mostly because of the fact that Allan has had an empty Krispy Kreme box in his room for about a week, i say that i wish i had Krispy Kremes right now. Allan stares at me for a few seconds and then after a quick check of the operating hours from the KK website, we end up deciding to drive down to Cranberry, which is about 45 miles South of Grove City and the closest double-K location. we decide that it would be less gay for us to fill the two extra seats in my car with a couple of girls, so we call up Beth Leatherman and Neil and i run through the library to find Jenna Powell. okay, so we set out to leave at about 11:30pm, but by the time that we find my car (which wasn't in the parking lot where i thought i parked it...hehe) it is about midnight. we drive down in record time and hit up the drive through for two dozen assorted and one-half dozen devil's food cake donuts. we then head across the street to Sheetz to grab some milk and have a dance party in the parking lot...and by dance party, i mean, we stand there and listen to rap-hop i the parking lot. but hey, since we bought something, it's not loitering. HA! okay, so another even more record breaking drive home, with Beth watching the tachometer and going "Red Line!!" every time i shift and Jenna asking how fast we're going, and we're home at ther Grove again before 1:30am. what fun. and excitement. and donuts.

something new, something better--> and by better, i mean Christian Thought/Christian Ministry, which is totally sweet. i can't believe they give you credit for this stuff. Luther and Calvin is a totally sweet action class, Old Testament is great, Church Ed: Youth and Adults is a good class (only irritating because it's Dr. Stringer, who definitely tries to make too many jokes), History of Russia is awesome (mostly because it's Dr. Tilford), Intro to Sociology is way more interesting than i thought it would be (and Dr. Ayers is a great prof also). Luther and Calvin has definitely been the most awesomest, it's really cool to read about Martin Luther (we haven't started into John Calvin yet). A lot his formative doctrinal writings (like the 95 and 97 theses) have a lot of real life application.

something old, something over--> and by old i mean something that will never stop kicking rumpus. that would be Five Iron Frenzy. yesterday i bought my tickets for when the "Winners Never Quit" tour, which runs through Grove City College on Thursday, October 9th. I also bought tickets for Daniel Campbell and Rachel Glass, a couple friends from home. and Jake Stiffler may come up too. This is their final tour, so it will be sweet to see them. Plus *BONUS* Reece Roper, lead singer, is speaking at the Thursday morning chapel service.

pre-season woes--> the Blackhawks have begun practice for the fall frisbee season. yesterday we played a scrimmages against AS and the Crons. we lost both. i played worse than i ever have before. nobody was really with it for some reason. these are both teams we should have beaten. well, we better get our act together before season starts. i have a feeling that when we get our jerseys, it'll be a moral booster. or su'um. i was just having a bad day. hopefully i don't keep sucking.

to the headwaters! today, Jordan and i (and maybe Joel Boerckel) are hiking up Wolf Creek to "find the headwaters." i think Jordan is silly, but heck, i'll come along. i'm always up for a hike. even though i don't really classify this flat land as a hike. well, i'll blog later about how all that goes.
okay, that's enough for now.

posted by Unknown @ 12:52 PM


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