from The Epic's website::
quote from Dr. Ayers in Sociology 101::
"Rap music’s #1 consumer has been the young white suburban male purchasing 60% to 65% of the art form consecutively for the past 8 years."
The Epic: The Gospel Experience is "not a study Bible, but rather an 'experiential paraphrase' that draws you back to the Bible." It "portrays the gospel of John presented in a contemporary hip-hop format that appeals to students." *
brought to you by GodStyle Productions, it's ....... mmm...interesting. check it out.
quote from Dr. Bibza in Old Testament::"When I go into a gun store to buy a gun, they have to ask me of my intentions and check my background. When a woman goes to have an abortion, no one is allowed to ask her any questions. The right to bear arms, which IS specified in the Constitution, is now considered a priveledge. The priveledge to have an abortion, which is only UNDERSTOOD to be given under the Constitution, is now considered a right."
that's ....mmm...interesting
"I brought you into the world, I can't take you out
I am your mother, you will have no other mothers before me!"
that's....just wrong.
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