on Tuesday, August 19, 2003

back to the old routine
i used to post differently when i was at school. i'll try that again.

listening to::
Tunnel Rats twenty-o-two ...in a rap mood. i'm listening to Sev_Statik

And Now::
on break from band. it's one pm, and i have to be back at one-fifteen. so this is gonna be short.
band is great so far. i got real sunburned today, so i'm using Travis Bachelder's method of putting a scarf in my hat to cover my neck. it's good stuff. i wish i hadn't forgotten my sombrero. many people were sad to find out i had forgot it. anyways, band is going well. yesterday was the first full day of band camp, and we learned all of our first show. today we're learning number two; and tomorrow number three. our schedule has been severe. we have fifteen-and-a-half hours of scheduled activites every day. that's almost ten hours of practice. wow. my lips are out of shape. i hadn't played since the end of marching season last year. yikes. anyway, make sure you come see us this year. it'll be great. especially the freakin crazy diamond moves in the Westside Story Finale at the end our first show.

And Later::
more and more practice. hopefully i'll get more time to post later.

posted by Unknown @ 1:16 PM


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