on Friday, November 04, 2005

Did you mean boo-yaa?

with my intimate love for Firefox's dict ______ command, do you suppose i take, grammatically, things incorrectly because of accident? or only for granted?

the more emo i feel the less links and punctuation and the more nominals and italics i need. especially using nominals in the 1st singular pronoun. and excepting when soliciting direct quotation of another using aforementioned pronoun. i think i feel of not using capitals when speaking of myself or thoughts of my own mind, and so using them when speaking of others and thoughts, both of better repute.

let the triplicate reputing process begin.

ugh, the uber-butter popcorn makes me sick feeling.

no longer watching: Fight Club, but it was, in terms of a plot/screenwrit/technical standpoint(s), better than Momento. and i liked it much more. though i promise, i did enjoy Momento. i just found it technically irritating.

him: I think I am totally winning this game.
me: umm...Bob you know that 'Disk Defragment' isn't really a game, right?

at this rate,
the crackers and easy-cheese will be
gone by lunchtime tomorrow.


posted by Unknown @ 1:38 AM


Blogger Libby said...

can i have a link on b-turn's blogeroo? that would be fwabulous.


Tue Nov 08, 01:38:00 PM EST

Blogger Unknown said...

so sorry. i did have one for you, but must have accidentally deleted it when i reorganized template stuff... at any rate, you're back in business.

Tue Nov 08, 06:25:00 PM EST


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