on Friday, May 09, 2003

really, i am studying today
i promise.

more fun on IM::
gstreet4life (2:49:13 PM): i think i'm going to take a nap and then start studying for bib rev
projenz99 (2:49:31 PM): good idea.
projenz99 (2:52:19 PM)
: I could go for a nap as well.
gstreet4life (2:52:43 PM): mmmm
gstreet4life (2:52:46 PM): delicious
projenz99 (2:53:47 PM): you cant eat a nap
gstreet4life (2:53:53 PM): oh

back to more junk now. and by junk, i mean work. and by work, i mean something, anything else.

posted by Unknown @ 6:12 PM


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