on Thursday, June 12, 2003

rain, rain, go away
last year was a drought, therefore this year is nothing but torrential downpour. darn lightning...mom says get off the computer, and since it's her computer, i must comply. this is going to be short.

Jordan:: (why are most of my posts at least partially directed toward Jordan? probably because he's just that good.)
...anyway...you might like this, enjoy.
next: Germany is wunderbar i recommend checking out the 360degree pictures of Germany

what's going on::
work, as always. Nick comes and visits me about 3 times a week, which is pretty cool, but it seems like he could find something better to do with his summer. i probably wouldn't drive all the way from his house to Easton just to eat lunch. Casey Cep gave him a ride sine he totalled his car the other day. (wow, if you haven't heard about that one, ask him) it was weird, because Casey certainly wouldn't have been visiting me if Nick hadn't dragged her there.
anyway, something better...this Sunday will be my first time playing guitar in the early service at church. oh man, it'll be great, i hope. i played last Friday night at senior high youth. it was definitely an off-the-cuff performance. basically, i happened to have my guitar in the car, and Drew asked me what i was playing since Logs wasn't there to lead worship. Drew picks out four songs that i've never played before, makes copies of the chord sheets i had printed out, and we sang. it went okay. actually, the third song definitely fell apart, but hey, yeah, it went okay. Logs was sick yesterday, and didn't come to junior high youth. that was okay, because Rob had it covered, and that all went well. some of the kids actually answered questions, and most of them paid attention, which is certainly a new development. afterward, we tossed the football around, and one of the guys spit a verse freestyle for me. i feel like i'm finally getting to know some of the kids. i didn't think i ever would, because they're all so different from me. this has already been a good experience, especially if God has youth ministry in the future for me.

anyway, i'm tired. maybe i'll actually go to bed early tonight.
oh yeah, and it stopped raining already..hehe...i guess i didn't turn off the computer for the lightning. ah well.

posted by Unknown @ 9:37 PM


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