on Wednesday, May 28, 2003

...dumb kidney...
i told Kyle i would post like a week ago. it's beeeeeeeen......yep, 7 days since i posted last! wee!! a personal best! ....anyway:
PogChamp83 (10:50:23 PM): where's your new blog?
gstreet4life (10:52:30 PM): ha
gstreet4life (10:52:37 PM)
: i never published
gstreet4life (10:52:44 PM)
: cause i never finished
gstreet4life (10:53:09 PM)
: i've had this blog-edit window open on my computer for like 6 days
Session concluded at 10:59:26 PM
PogChamp83 (10:28:23 PM): YOU BLO NOW
Auto response from gstreet4life (10:28:23 PM): somewhere.... out there.
PogChamp83 (10:28:26 PM)
PogChamp83 (10:28:27 PM): BLOG
PogChamp83 (10:28:28 PM): BLOG
PogChamp83 (10:28:29 PM): BLOG
PogChamp83 (10:28:30 PM): BLOG
PogChamp83 (10:28:34 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
yes, finally i will post. this is for Kyle.

listening to::
Five Iron. i just noticed that they changed their website again. that's irritating, because i doesn't have all the stuff it used to. it just shows their tour dates now. blargh. ooooooh, i remembered my password for their forum.

and now::
my mom thinks that my kidney is hurt again somehow. she keeps asking me when i want to go to the doctor.... oh, i already said this before...i'm gonna check my DeadAIM log.
okay, i'm just going to copy/paste this conversation that i had with Jenna, bc i don't feel like explaining it again.
projenz99 (9:53:46 PM): hope you're ok!
Auto response from gstreet4life (9:53:46 PM): yuck... i hate my kidney
projenz99 (10:54:44 PM): whats wrong with your kidney now
gstreet4life (10:55:06 PM): i think it's just a stomach ache
gstreet4life (10:55:18 PM)
: but it's in the same place my kidney hurt
projenz99 (10:56:43 PM): thats weird
gstreet4life (10:57:41 PM): my mom was giving me the spanish inquisition when i told here where it hurt
gstreet4life (10:58:13 PM)
: bc she called her friend who knows about medical stuff
gstreet4life (10:58:21 PM)
: and she told her what to ask me
gstreet4life (10:59:37 PM)
: she keeps asking if she should call our doctor and stuff
projenz99 (10:59:52 PM): well are you gonna call the doc?
gstreet4life (11:00:41 PM): i really just think that i'm plain old sick
gstreet4life (11:00:45 PM)
: because i'm not hungry
gstreet4life (11:00:54 PM)
: and stuff seems normal
gstreet4life (11:01:11 PM)
: and i haven't done anything to injure it again
gstreet4life (11:01:27 PM)
: it started hurting last night like right after we ate dinner
projenz99 (11:02:15 PM): well... sounds like your keeping an eye on it just in case
gstreet4life (11:02:35 PM): yeah, i am
gstreet4life (11:02:49 PM)
: if i hurts tomorrow i might go
so anyway, i'm home from Junior High Youth tonight because i'm sick or something. i'm also totally tired. today at Sears we got two trucks in instead of the usually on that comes on Wednesday. both were packed with good ol' refridgerators, washers, dryers, tools electronics, and yes, you guessed it, fourteen of the dreaded 50" cut Craftsman Deluxe Garden Tractor with the massive 25 HP Twin-V Kohler engines!!!!. well, okay, it was only like seven assorted riding lawn mowers, but i doesn't it sound more impressive if it was "fourteen of the dreaded 50" cut Craftsman Deluxe Garden Tractor with the massive 25 HP Twin-V Kohler engines???? anyway, that sure was a fun time, and it was funny when we got finished because there was so much stuff in our stock area that you couldn't walk around, so we had to climb over boxes to get back into the store. anyway, that was a dumb story. just wait, i've got more bad stories.

i don't use my Palm Pilot much. or, i should say: i didn't use my Palm much at school, because i had my computer to keep up with dates. unfortunately, i cannot get my computer on the internet here, which means i pretty much use this computer for everything. also unfortunately, this means that my computer doesn't get used too much. it just sort of sits on my desk and i watch the screensaver as i go to sleep at night. it's a great one. i found it here. mmmm...it's so pretty and mesmerizing, it makes me sleepy watching it....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
i'm sure you're wondering what all this has to do with my Palm Pilot. or maybe you're not, and you're just wishing i wouldn't write about it any more. well, too bad.
so anyway, i started using my Palm again to help me keep my work schedule and youth events straight. i just happened to be checking stuff out on it, and i came across my "To Do List". this is what it says:
1. Say hi to a jew
2. Kiss your roomate
3. Glare at an indian
now, i know for certain that i did not write those notes. i have a very good assumption on who commandeered my Palm and wrote that To Do List, and to that person, i say: "Raleigh, NC"

okay, enough of that::
i only have one more thing to say, and i think Kyle said it best...
gstreet4life (9:50:56 PM): are you putting it into your blog?
PogChamp83 (9:51:09 PM): nahh
PogChamp83 (9:51:14 PM): sprokets
gstreet4life (9:51:16 PM): hehe...you should
gstreet4life (9:51:23 PM)
: or i will
gstreet4life (9:51:30 PM)
: put this conversation in there
gstreet4life (9:51:39 PM)
: unless you don't want me to
PogChamp83 (9:51:44 PM): no, we must keep the power of sprockets confined to those that can harness it
gstreet4life (9:51:50 PM): .....mmmmm
gstreet4life (9:51:51 PM)
: ok
gstreet4life (9:52:03 PM)
: that's sort of confusing
yeah, think about that one.
goodnight everybody

posted by Unknown @ 11:19 PM


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