on Sunday, June 01, 2003

Jordan--no, i don't think we've used that one
now it's time for some Montreal.

new today::
Super Smash Brothers: Melee, Evanescence's Fallen, and RelientK's Two Lefts Don't Make a Right, But Three Do. oh yeah, and a slip and slide. let's hear it for a trip to Wal*Mart with my little sibs!

new everyday::
life. man, it never gets boring around here.

like new::
oooh, lookie lookie what i found.

and it can be your's for only one cent!
(plus $3.30 for shipping and insurance, because you know you need the insurance on a penny. oh man, what if they lost it in the mail???)
yes, that's right! but hurry, bc the bidding ends in twelve hours!

posted by Unknown @ 10:05 PM


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