on Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Mr. Sparks, the greatest band director ever, has finally announced that he is leaving Easton High School. Sparks has been contemplating this for a long time, and finally decided to move to a school in California. I am proud to say that I was (and still am) a good friend and confidant to Sparks. I know the difficult time this decision has given him, and I know that it pains him to leave the kids he loves. On the other hand, the school system that he certainly does not love is not something that pains him to leave. I think Sparks will have a much better time out west, and that this was the best decision he could make at this point.

still......this is something that makes me (and everybody else that has had Sparky as a director) very sad.

posted by Unknown @ 6:58 PM


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