on Saturday, May 03, 2003

i would like to note::
::1:: how late it is (aboot a quarter after 3am).
::2:: how i do not know why i am still up.
::3:: how i plan to sleep until at least noon, but will be thwarted as usual by some silly thing that has an aversion to my sleeping paterns.
::4:: how i beat Andrea at a game that neither of us knew the rules to, and which made absolutely no sense whatsoever. oh. she claimed to be be winning, so i claimed that i was only down by one and the score was 2-3. the only reason i won is because she got tired and wanted to go to bed, so i took a forfeit.
::5:: how i have not a single clue what exactly i was talking about in note 3.
::6:: how i have announced my rule as the miniature golf king. it just happens that Andrea and i are going to rule the miniature golf world with an iron fist and a putter. oh wait. i meant rule together in happiness and holes-in-ones. here's some of the wonderifical conversation we had:
gstreet4life (2:29:11 AM): okay how
gstreet4life (2:29:16 AM): is this a game?
MStwirler (2:29:20 AM): it's not
gstreet4life (2:29:22 AM): i'm confused about the rules
MStwirler (2:29:26 AM): i don't know what you're talking about
MStwirler (2:29:31 AM): i'm winning
gstreet4life (2:31:22 AM): yeah, but i think i'm only one point behind
MStwirler (2:32:14 AM): darn it
gstreet4life (2:32:25 AM): oh yeah, baby
gstreet4life (2:32:29 AM): feel the burn!
gstreet4life (2:32:32 AM): i'm right on your heels!
gstreet4life (2:32:36 AM): catching quickly!
gstreet4life (2:32:46 AM): i'm gonna take you in the second period
MStwirler (2:32:55 AM): OH NO!!!!!!!!!1
MStwirler (2:33:31 AM): i have to go to bed
gstreet4life (2:33:42 AM): then you forfeit
gstreet4life (2:33:52 AM): I WIN
MStwirler (2:33:52 AM): crap
MStwirler (2:33:55 AM): HAHA
gstreet4life (2:34:03 AM): I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN by default
MStwirler (2:34:04 AM): psycho
gstreet4life (2:34:07 AM): no
gstreet4life (2:34:12 AM): i'm completely sane
gstreet4life (2:34:17 AM): i'd rather you assume that too
MStwirler (2:34:36 AM): haha
MStwirler (2:34:39 AM): whatever
gstreet4life (2:36:49 AM): yeah, whatever, whenever, wherever, i'll take you on. and i'll beat you again, even if you don't forfeit next time
MStwirler (2:37:09 AM): hey...i am a very competitive person
MStwirler (2:37:19 AM): i kicked everyone's butt at mini golf tonight
MStwirler (2:37:23 AM): i was the champion
MStwirler (2:37:30 AM): and i would have beaten you too
gstreet4life (2:37:44 AM): nope
gstreet4life (2:37:50 AM): i am the miniature golf kind
gstreet4life (2:37:57 AM): or king, as some people call it
MStwirler (2:38:04 AM): well i'm the queen
gstreet4life (2:38:09 AM): YES
MStwirler (2:38:10 AM): and i'm awesome
MStwirler (2:38:18 AM): and i can take you on anytime
gstreet4life (2:38:22 AM): no we can rule together in happiness and holes in ones
MStwirler (2:38:27 AM): HAHA
MStwirler (2:38:33 AM): that's going on my profile
MStwirler (2:38:36 AM): cause it's funny
MStwirler (2:38:40 AM): it makes me laugh
gstreet4life (2:40:20 AM): YAAAaaaaaaAAAAYY
gstreet4life (2:40:43 AM): notice the decrecendo and build
MStwirler (2:41:18 AM): wow that is AWESOME
MStwirler (2:41:28 AM): that is THE coolest thing i have EVER seen
gstreet4life (2:41:33 AM): thanks
gstreet4life (2:41:35 AM): for the caps
gstreet4life (2:41:59 AM): the definite emphasis on the words THE and EVER makes me feel good
MStwirler (2:42:29 AM): it would have been better bolded and underlined
MStwirler (2:42:36 AM): but i was too lazy to do that
gstreet4life (2:42:36 AM): yes
MStwirler (2:42:41 AM): next time
gstreet4life (2:42:43 AM): but that's okay
gstreet4life (2:42:45 AM): you're tired
gstreet4life (2:42:49 AM): because you LOST TO ME!!!

::7:: how the number seven (7) seems like a good place to stop, so i am now going to attempt to leap over my desk and into my top bunk in a single bound, simultaneously throwing off the posters on my bed and pulling up the sheets, so that i may fall asleep at least 2 microseconds before i hit the bed.

posted by Unknown @ 3:19 AM


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