on Saturday, May 03, 2003

Kyle says some girls at Grove City College have the mutant ability of being ugly
now i, on the other hand, think that's not a good thing to say. but i told him i was going to post it here, so there we go.
also, he said he was going to make up a quote that i 'said' and post it in his blog. so, look for a completely manufactured statement by me on his blog.

listening to::
i'm sort of playing guitar while i'm typing, so i'm listening to myself and my roomie's people talking about some weird crap. in fact, they're talking about how Joel made Brian Barry sign an agreement that Joel was not a "crap-wad". i dunno. it all sounds dumb to me.

and now::
X-Men 2 is definitely totally sweet. oh man, Wolverine kicks so much rumpus that it's amazing. and Nightcrawler is so awesome too. oooohh...soo good. I went to New Castle to see it with Mike (Mush), Kyle, Jimmy Z, and Workman. that was pretty fun too. we tried to see how much food we could smuggle into the movie by going to the grocery store and buying all types of candy. mmm...what fun, and excitement.

highlight of Kyle's week::
us, The Eh Team, coming back from a 2-8 halftime score to beat the lesser half of first floor, Initech, in a 10-9 victory.
Kyle and Mush came out to watch us play our season finale. they're on the Blackhawks, the team that we lost to yesterday with a score of something like 8-9, the team that we lost to previously in the season like 3-15, the team that Boerckel and i, hopefull along with several other Eh Teamers, will be playing on next year.
Mush and Kyle came out to cheer us on, and Mush ended up coaching us a good bit. i think he's a big reason we came out strong after the half and won.

despite the programming test which got me down a little, today has been a good day.

and now i can't remember the actually funny things that i was going to put in here. crap for crap! why must my memory never work!!!! confounded brain! oh well.

from Kristin--"why are the guys my dad teaches me about so perverted?"
she said she thinks she knows the answer, but didn't care to expound on it.

posted by Unknown @ 3:12 AM


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